Big Apple Anime Fest 2001

October 26 - October 28

Day One

Original Sailor Mars

The Dealer's Tables:

Whoa. I've never seen so much anime merchandise in one room! And most of it (as far as I could tell, anyway) licensed! Easy girl...must...not...max...! (Actually, I was really good Friday, and didn't buy anything, but looked around.)

Prices were already pretty good--one table offered three of anything for $5!

Me and my main escort, Tim

The Movie:

I went to see Spriggan on the big screen. This was only my second time seeing anime in an actual movie theater...and it rocks! Also, I've never watched anime with SO many people before! And Spriggan was a really good movie on top of that.

Grabbed some dinner after this--I remembered to eat ^.^

The COSP photoshoot, lol

The People:

I've never been photographed so much in my life! Not too many people were in costume that day (I only saw two others personally, but I heard there were maybe 4 or 5 besides me). So many compliments, even from the BAAF staff. Met a guy, Tim, who would be my main escort for the remainder of the con, we went everywhere together. Met up with the other COSP member in attendance, DJ Ranma S, who would be one of my other bodyguards, and his friend B-chan, who is also very cool (and helped me fix my tiara ^.^)

Some random guy in the lobby who wanted to take a picture with me!

The Anime:

I went with Tim to see Spriggan on the HUGE movie screen! BIG

The movie rocked on its own anyway, and I am going to try to get a copy of it for myself. (Even though I did see it dubbed.)

I watched Vision of Escaflowne on a smaller projection screen in the hotel room. Again, watching anime with a large group of people totally rocks! The series is really good, too, I want more!

DJ Ranma S as Ranma-kun

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An adorable Sakura-chan! She would later win a crowd's choice award in the cosplay.