Otakon 2007

July 20 - July 22

Day Three

Umi Ryuzaki - Goddess Robes

Last day of the con! I wept. Seriously, though, I was very much looking forward to Sunday, because Sunday was the day we had decided to unveil our Magic Knight Rayearth costumes!

On the way down in the elevatorl, I ran into Eurobeat King--apparently we had been staying in the same hotel! If I had known, I definitely would've invited him out (in?) for drinks the night before. Oh, well. He took a few shots of me in front of the hotel--I'm a big fan of taking pictures as soon as possible, before I do anything retarded and totally mess up my costume--and promised to find Lady Terentia, Arlette and I later.

Eurobeat King setting me up for a shot.

I wandered over to the fountains, because that's always a great place to meet absolutely anybody, and waited for my friends. I ran into a few more photographers and got to spend some more time with Lauren and Ashley and Pat. I also met up with Rhi-chan, who was originally going to be Ascot for our group, but due to circumstances beyond her control hadn't been able to get her costume ready in time. I understood--these things happen, and while I would miss her in our photos, I wanted her to know I didn't want her to feel bad at all.

Otakon winding down.

Around this time, I got a call from Lady Terentia saying she would be running a little late, and then another call from Arlette saying she was having trouble getting into her costume, so Louis and I left the con center and went over to Arlette's hotel to see if we could help her in any way.

This little girl was a budding photographer, shooting all the cosplayers she could find. She asked to take a photo with me, too. She was so cute!

This was actually my first time meeting Arlette and her husband Serge in person, and they are SO NICE! Serge and Louis actually have a lot in common, but I don't really know how much we got to talk as we were busy shoving bobby pins in Arlette's wig and safety pins in her cape to get her ready. It actually didn't take that long with all of us helping her, and we started off back to the con center.

Magic Knights start on their journey.
Lady Terentia met us at the fountains, and then we called David Ng on his cell phone. He met up with us, and led us outside for a wonderful photoshoot. The sun was SO BRIGHT! We had to work on our timing again to get the "open eyes" shots, but with the brightly colored costumes we were wearing, natural sunlight really did work best. We went back into the fountain room afterwards to pose for a few more pictures (many thanks to everyone who shot us there, including Eurobeat King again, and Caloris.)
We got stopped for photos everywhere--even in front of the bathroom in the Dealer's Room!

Arlette's group decided they wanted to take one last run through the dealer's room before it closed down, and since Louis wanted the same thing, and Teren and I wanted to stick with Arlette for as long as possible, we all went along. Poor Serge and company. I don't think the three of us made it three feet at any one time without being stopped for photos. It was very, VERY flattering, but I felt so bad for the boys who kept getting our bookbags and what not shoved at them so we could pose, only to have it happen again not five minutes later. Non-cosplaying friends are unfortunately often overlooked, but I would like them (all of them out there, everywhere) let them know that they are very, very appreciated.

This just pretty much sums up the whole weekend right there.

After the Dealer's room, Lady Terentia and I bid farewell to Arlette and Serge and her friends, and headed back to the fountains to just relax for a bit--my feet were KILLING me by this point! We posed for pictures for Kevin Lillard of A Fan's View, and conducted a photoshoot with Reinii behind the lens. I had never posed for her before--her photos came out fabulous! We grabbed Avi and decided to head out for lunch before Louis and I would have to head for home.

I'm not sure what this is--maybe the Cosplay.com photoshoot?

Lunch was an adventure and a half--there were long lines for absolutely everything, and I was starting to feel dizzy because my waist was cinched in, my costume was hot, my feet hurt, and because I'm Crissy and I get dizzy at the slightest provocation. Teren took one look at my face and sent me to go hold a table while she stayed on line for lunch--I love you, girl! Thank you for not letting me pass out in the middle of a mall in Baltimore. <3 All of Outer Power Inner Beauty ended up having to share a table with two complete strangers who turned out to be really nice and personable. Our train was set to leave not too long after, so Louis and I had to leave as soon as we finished eating, but I'm glad we got to spend our last moments of Otakon with OPIB.

A closeup of a great Rogue cosplayer.

As it turns out, the cab ride back to Baltimore's Port Authority took half the time and length of our ride from it on Friday, and was about a quarter of the expense! Looks like we got ripped off on Friday. Oh, well. We'll remember for next time.

The trip home was a breeze, and we even got to relax a bit Sunday night...although I absolutely killed that by staying up until...oh, 3:00 AM, reading the final volume of Harry Potter. I'd like to say I made it the ENTIRE weekend without being spoiled, thank God. So thus ended my fourth Otakon, absolutely beautiful and perfect days, three days in a row.

Avian Firefly and Reinii as Sakura and Ten Ten from Naruto.

More Photos

Cosplayers on the escalator near the fountains.
More of the fountain room.
Louis just loves random shots like this. Well, so do I.
Fuu, Hikaru, and Umi
It's not blurry, it's "artsy"!
More of the mysterious mixed photoshoot.