Otakon 2022

July 29 - 31

Day One

Iron Man - gown

I wasn't sure I was going to make it to Otakon in 2022. My father had some health issues that started in May, got worse in June, and by July I was spending all of my free time taking care of him. But my family and friends were adamant that I not lose all the money I had spent on the hotel and badge et. al., and volunteered to pitch in and look after him the three days I'd be gone. I have to admit, I was nervous as hell, to the point where I think I started getting a bit irrational--I remember thinking that Some Thing, some force, was going to intervene at the last minute to make me not go, or that something awful would happen if I did go. But I try not to let superstitions rule my life, so by that Friday I was packed and ready to go.

Richie and Miss V

The trip down to Otakon was uneventful--this was my fifth time driving to Washington and apparently that is how many times it takes for something to feel familiar to me. Good to know. The Henley Park Hotel was as accomodating as it always is, and I got into my room and unpacked in a reasonable amount of time. I texted my friends to let them know I was there, but also to beg for help as Iron Man is darn near impossible to put on by myself. (Note to self: invent nanotechnology.)

My friends

While I was waiting, I got into the base dress, put on my makeup, and did my hair--thankfully a simple job. Aki Reiniibow and Alyce were already dressed, so they joined me in my room to help me snap my power shoulders in place and lace my stomacher, after which I was able to step into those gorgeous but stupid gladiator sandals. When I originally painted them I had thought it was an awful lot of work to put into a costume I was only going to wear for a few hours; I never would have guessed I would end up wearing them three times (at least!)

"THAT is AMERICA'S a--well, you know."

We decided to go to the Marriott Atrium to meet up with everyone. While we were waiting, Miss V and her boyfriend Richie found us, and I *howled* with laughter; I have seen Miss V wear many variations of Sailor V over the years, but this time she was rocking an Artemis onesie, while her boyfriend was Sailor Venus. That is couple goals right there. I kind of wish I was still updating Sailor Moon Avatars, as I would have absolutely pestered him to let me put him on it.

I think this line was to pick up badges? So glad I got mine mailed to me!

Once the rest of our group arrived, we assembled (pun not intended but accepted) and started taking a few pictures. We spotted a *really* great Captain America cosplayer making his way through the seating area, and called out to him to ask him to join us. He was really nice, and not only took a few full-group shots, but also was a good sport when I asked him and Lady Terentia to recreate the "That's America's" (you know) from Endgame--turns out that's his handle on Instagram! I freaking love cosplayers, we're so ridiculous. We also met a new photographer who goes by the names of Lee or Eddy, who took a *really* phenomenal photo of us in a staggered line.

Chi and Freya from Chobits

After we had gotten a good amount of photos, I went to pick up my Covid vaccine wristband, and then since it was around dinnertime we decided to go to Potbelly's to get something to eat. We brought the food back to the hotel room all the rest of the girls were sharing, and Terentia and I took a few photos of ourselves eating, à la the shawarma post-credits scene in Avengers: Rise of Ultron. It was nice getting to have some downtime away from the con, it gave me a chance to catch up with everybody.

Princess Daisy
Everyone else was changing costumes, but Lady Terentia and I decided to stay Avengers and go to the Artists' Alley to see what we could see. An anime streaming company, HiDive, was giving away free NANA coins to anyone who signed up for a trial membership, so of course I had to have that. Then, as we continued our walk around the alley, we met the nicest guy who had a bunch of (real!) red roses that he was giving to every "pretty girl" he saw--no expectations, no questions asked, just have a red rose and a nice day. Now that's a gentleman!

YAY I found a Terry!

Baz and Yulverick met up with us in the Artists' Alley, but we didn't have much time to do more browsing in there as the floor was closing. The Dealers' Room still had another hour left, if I recall correctly, so we went there, but after I had only gone up an aisle or two my feet cried that they had had enough. To be fair I do normally go to bed pretty early and I had had a long day of driving, and I had a lot of makeup to take off to get ready for bed!

Yulverick and Bas and Lady Terentia and me

Sailor Moon and Utena Photos

(e-mail me at sunseenli@aol.com if you recognize yourself!)

Sailor Mars
Sailor Mars

More Photos

It was so nice to be in a group again.
This Cap was SUCH a good sport!
It's so nice to see older anime represented
I admit a special affinity for Daisy

More Photos (not by me)

And this is where Avian Firefly should be
I was inadvertantly Fairy Iron Woman for a brief moment in time.