Sakura Matsuri 2014

at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden

April 27

Many thanks to David Ng for letting me use his camera!

Seeing the torii always makes me feel welcome.
LOVE this color combination
I really like the layers that she's wearing!
Perfect for spring
Pop's flowers
The fountain where I met up with Paul Karpey , AKA PopeCerebus
The umbrellas set these off perfectly
Japanese fusion fashion is becoming more en vogue
The all-red look works too
She has the obi I had originally wanted for my kimono
Dave and I
I really shouldn't ask complete strangers if I can hold their babies, but just LOOK AT THAT FACE!
I never did get down there to check out the dolls myself
This was just a really beautiful dress
The crowd from above
I ADORE her hair
Very bold and very modern!
Shinto priestesses! Real ones!
This couple was nice enough to take a picture with us
She was so cute!
I loved how these flowers were cascading over the rocks
I like the symmetry we made with our fans
I'm a ninja
Dave shopping
More people will come to your booth if you wear kimono!
Showing off her sleeves
The taiko drummers at the Sakura J-Lounge
I was checking out all of the red yukata I saw, because that will probably be the next color I buy
Mother and daughter
Dave got stopped for a photo!
What a pretty obijime
A view of the crowd from the ground level
These little girls were so cute while they were playing
Two-toned obis are becoming very popular
I found a Minako-chan!
I love the butterflies on her yukata
Since the cherry blossoms were rather lacking, I took more pictures inside the Japanese Hill-And-Pond Garden
The crowd on the "patio" overlooking the water
The trees were really beautiful
As was the water
Even with the crowds, this walk is always relaxing
This shot came out too well. I think Dave took it.
Pretty white blossoms
Another shot of Dave and I--great colors in the background
The little island in the pond
A little girl playing with the temple dog
People appeared to be leaving money on them this year
The Shinto shrine
Her lipstick matches her obi!
Mixing cosplay and kimono
This tree had like curtains of hanging flowers
Paul was posing me as we went along
Her haori compliments her kimono so well
The professional performers arriving
Panty and Stocking in kimono
Feet! Dave and I really needed a break
The last guy in kimono I saw on my way out
Dave's friend Kim and a friend of hers