Silver Millennium Masquerade Ball 2017

March 11, 2017

On March 11th, the Hall of Springs in Saratoga Springs housed the Silver Millennium Masquerade Ball, a six hour event including cocktails, live music, ballroom dancing, a full course dinner, raffles, a DJ dance party, and the most epic sing-along ever. It didn't lend well to my usual "con report", but I did want to share the pictures I took of the lovely denizens of the Moon Kingdom.

Sailor Mars - Tsutaya

The ballroom at Saratoga Hall of Springs
Meeting Christina and Rachael for the first time!
All of the tables had planetary names.
The buffet line for hors d'oeuvres.
Rachael as Princess Jupiter
Shannon as Queen Nehellenia
Me as Princess Mars
Posing with the Princess Venus who ran the VIP suite
My mask
SeraSymphony - the fan created Sailor Moon focused orchestra
Rather blurry, but the first dance was won by Princess Serenity and Prince Endymion cosplayers walzing to Love Happens Again.
Thank *God* for us Shannon had ballroom dancing experience!
She could both lead and follow!
Even the foxtrot!
This looked like SO MUCH FUN. Foxtrots are fast and bouncy.
Everyone's gowns were amazing.
Revolving round and round.
Best friends!
I asked this beautiful Venus to dance.
The decor was really out of this world.
I met this couple in my hotel right before leaving for the ball, and then it turned out that we were at the same table!
This group was so much fun--they all had matching dresses in their senshi colors.
I'm so sad this came out blurry--the rhinestones on this dress were so shimmery and beautiful.
This Luna cosplayer was amusing herself by batting at the crystals that dangled from the centerpieces. I thought that was too perfect.
Me with my gorgeous dance instructor!
I really can't express how much joy people felt.
A Princess Lethe! No one even cosplays Sailor Lethe, I never would've thought someone would choose her for the ball! (And the adorable Usagi who was at our table.)
Of course there has to be a few derpy shots of me (mainly to show off the gorgeous gown Setsuna Kou made me.)
A beautiful shot of husband and wife dancing.
I managed to find literally the only single man at this event, and danced with him SO much.
Once the ballroom dancing was over, the DJ started up a dance party!
Waiting and hoping on raffle tickets!