AnimeNEXT 2004

June 18

2 PM to 8:30 PM

Sailor Mars

"We're lost!"
"We're NOT lost!"

So, we were SUPPOSED to leave New York at 9 AM. But, I have naturally curly hair, and the week before AnimeNEXT was one of the most humid (well, no, let's face it, New York City is ALWAYS humid, but still, my point is here, it was humid) we had seen in a while, so I planned to ask my aunt to straighten my hair (with an iron, on an ironing board--don't ever say I don't suffer for my art) the night before.

I hadn't counted on my aunt going to sleep before 11 PM. I was still at my boyfriend Louis's house at that time. Oops. So, it had to be tackled first thing Saturday morning. First thing Saturday morning ended up being 9:30 Saturday morning.


Menchi from Excel Saga

My friend Jenny met us at my house around 10 AM.

So, although Jenny makes costumes for others, this was her first time cosplaying (unless you count the time she wore her Chun Li costume--that she later gave to me!--to the Halloween Parade in the Village). She made a manga Sailor Mercury costume in ONE WEEK. This is not like the time Lou and I made him a Zell costume the week before the con. This costume looked STUNNING on her. I had bought her a blue wig two Christmases ago, and she had bought herself a metal tiara and Mercury earrings at the con the day before from Catzia's Collectibles. (She and Usagi Seion are on summer vacation, so they actually went to AnimeNEXT on Friday as well, though not in costume.)

Subaru from .hack

Louis, of course, just threw on an apron over a blue shirt, and he was dressed, as Motoki from Sailor Moon.

Of course, after my hair was all straightened, and after we struggled to get our gloves on (Jenny had made hers a tad too small, and my arms just got bigger >.<), it was time to put my tiara in. So, of course, it was time for it to rip. Sigh. Luckily, we had gold thread in the house (why, I don't know) and my aunt threw in a few quick stitches, and then it was only 15 more minutes of struggling and cursing until it was pinned into my hair and we were ready to go. At 11:30 AM. Well, that's not too far off from 9 AM, right?

Lulu and Rikku from Final Fantasy X

What we hadn't counted on was the DISGUSTING amount of traffic traveling through the city. Jen had an idea it was going to be bad, as she and Usagi Seion had run into traffic the day before, but honestly, what kind of maniac attempts to drive through the city on a Saturday morning??

Luckily, thanks to being very good friends, and the fact that Louis was very amused at the sight of two Sailor Senshi driving a car (an emotion shared by most of our fellow motorists, in fact, we received our share of double takes), and Jenny's purchase of a new J-Pop CD the day before, we made it to the con without losing our freaking minds, even though it took AN HOUR AND A HALF. Ye gods.

Chii and Freya from Chobits
Well, thankfully there was no humidity on Saturday, but there was wind. A lot of wind. A great deal of wind. The good part of this was a lot of my outside shots look very dynamic. The bad part of it is I'm probably now the star of a lot of fanboys' midnight porno theater dreams. Sailor Senshi skirts plus wind don't mix.
It's GIR! From Invader Zim!
Holy crap the line was LONG! All right, I've never organized, nor worked on, the staff for a convention. I freely admit this. Never the less, I do think that it would have been a good idea, at least on Saturday, usually the busiest day of any convention, to have more then two people helping people register at the door. We were on the outside line roughly 45 minutes.

"Ooh! Who's that?"

Which wasn't too bad, because I got to meet the first of many Sailor Moon cosplayers; first, a group of three young girls, dressed up like Eternal Sailor Moon, Super Sailor Saturn, and Super Sailor Jupiter, and then later, a Sailor Jupiter, as well as many other extremely well made costumes from other various series.

Jenny ran ahead (having bought a three day pass the day before) to grab us some forms to fill out ahead of time, and met up with Usagi Kou and her crew, who she had introduced herself to the day before. So we lost Jenny for a while, while she posed for many pictures.

Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter

Finally, Jenny came back with some forms, and Lou and I filled out our info, and waited some more. And some more, and some more. Oi. All the time trying to keep my skirt from doing a Marilyn Monroe impression. It's just not as classy when you're in red.

Joy of joys! We finally passed through the double glass doors to enter the hotel lobby! It was time! wait on...another line??? Yes, for reasons unknown, there was then an even LONGER line winding its way through the hotel lobby. Oh, well. At least we were inside. And, we finally met up with our friends, Usagi Seion and Rich. Rich warned us to expect another 45 minutes of waiting. Ye gods.

Yaoi has never been so much fun.

However, "sometimes, when you least expect it, your hero arrives." Who should find me, but DJ Ranma S!

Introductions are made (he had met Lou last year, but briefly, and hadn't met Jenny yet in person.)

Ranma then proceeds to ask me if we'd like a free badge. Uh...hell yeah! The thing was, our friend, Oshidori (our Celes from last year, see my BAAF 2003 report for details) had a panel badge, and had been there Friday, and was supposed to come back Saturday, but had contacted Ranma and told him she wasn't going to be able to make it.

It's Michaelangelo! (From Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, for the uneducated heathens out there.)

Since here was a perfectly good con badge that was going to go to waste anyway, I was Oshidori the rest of the day. :) (I felt a little sad that I wouldn't be able to wear "SunseenLi" or "Crissy" around my neck, but, hey, most people recognize me by face anyway.)

Of course, poor Louis was still stuck in line, so Jenny and I kept him company.

It's a good thing we did, too, because as we got closer to the end, who should appear but Ender!

Me and Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII

It was my first time meeting him in person, and he was just SO sweet. (And even more stunning in person then his photos, hard as that is to believe, I know.)

I asked him where Usa was (I know, my most repeated question at any con) and he told me that, well, the night before, SOMEONE (no names mentioned--none needed) had decided that, despite the fact that she had had nothing to eat all day (an understandable mistake, we all get so hyper at cons we often forget to eat, or even feel hunger), and despite the fact that she weighs maybe 90 lbs sopping wet, SOMEONE was going to drink herself stupid the night before, and thus had a lovely hangover. :)

Miroku from Inu Yasha

Sigh. I love my Princess, and I felt bad for her, but I couldn't help but chuckle. And thank the gods that I'd be there at Otakon to help keep an eye on her. Alcohol and moon princesses don't always mix.

Ninety minutes later (I'm exaggerating--I actually have no idea how long it took) Ender and Lou were registered, and we were on our way. Ender left to go see if he could help Usa, and Lou, Jenny and I decided to explore the con.

Sakura from Card Captor Sakura

Seeing there was a line for food right in the lobby (great idea, whoever thought that up--much easier then trying to leave the hotel to find food nearby) Lou and Jenny decided to grab a bite to eat. The lobby was understandably a high traffic area, so while they sat down and ate I got to grab photos with a lot of different cosplayers. I got to see Kelly again, who was a COMPLETELY sexy Draco, and I take back everything I ever said about Harry and Draco yaoi being really wrong. I still stand by my protest of Albus and Harry pr0n though. That's just SICK.

I also got to glomp two Sephiroths and a Cloud. No Terry Bogards, though. Weep.

GLOMP! Another Sephiroth.

The overall quality of the costumes was outstanding. Even though I had a digital camera (well, I had Lou's) for the first time this year, and didn't need to worry about film, we were trying to conserve because 1) his battery was already dying, so we were turning the camera on and off for every picture and 2) his memory card only holds around 100 photos or so. So, much like last year, I mostly photographed the characters I recognized and loved, and occasionally a really exception costume I didn't know.

Of course, there were one or two costume shots I missed that I sorely regret. Someone did a lovely Dark Chii (or Freya, if you prefer) costume, the one where she's wearing a frame of a skirt, rather then a skirt. That's a personal favorite of mine, and I always hoped to see it cosplayed. I'm sorry I didn't get to photograph her personally.

Irvine and Quistis from Final Fantasy VIII

I also noticed that non-anime costumes are becoming much more accepted then they used to be. The Michaelangelo I photographed above was really stretching it...but you've just got to respect such a well done costume. And GIR was beloved by all (I've noticed a lot of anime fans enjoy Invader Zim at any rate.)

I met up with some of the other members of NYO!, including Carrie and Chris, and we started to leave to take a group NYO! shot. Before I could reach them, however, I saw a Michiru cosplayer (who I had met last year as Eternal Sailor Uranus), and then I noticed a Sailor Star Healer cosplayer I just HAD to photograph, and by the time I was done, I had lost my group, and didn't know where they had went. So, I missed out on the NYO! AnimeNEXT shot, dammit. Oh, well. There's always Otakon.

Irvine and Quistis are joined by Tifa from Final Fantasy VII

Many photos were taken in the lobby, both Sailor Moon group shots (we met up with the three Sailor Senshi we had met outside, and then I got to meet Rhi, who is really awesome and an absolutely adorable Small Lady) and of other cosplayers, so by this point Lou was getting a little bored. He really wanted to check out the dealer's room, so we decided, "No more photos!...unless they're Sailor Senshi" and started on our way there.

Jenny, Usagi Seion, and I.

For example, on the way to the dealer's room, in the hallway, there were two con staff members, one our left, one on our right. The hallway was pretty full of traffic, obviously, so we were trying to weave our way through. At this point, the guy on the right yells out something to the effect of, "YOU CANNOT PASS CON STAFF!" Uh...excuse me? We're supposed to teleport past you, maybe? Apparently he meant we were never supposed to pass con staff on the left (which I had just done, to the guy on my left) but, 1) you didn't really make that clear and 2) what a weird rule! Getting a tad bit nit-picky there, aren't you?

However, the worst was yet to come.

Princess Garnet from Final Fantasy IX

The line for the dealer's room wasn't bad at all, in all honesty. The ones I've waited on at both BAAFs were FAR longer. People more or less huddled against the right wall, as people on their way out of the dealer's room passed us on the left. I got to meet Usa's Haruka, who was so blindingly attractive I got tongue-tied and felt like I was in sixth grade again, and I got to see Sailor Flare again and get a photo with her (though not the dramatic Mars vs Galaxia photo I might've liked.) Laughter and fun was had by all, as we moved our way closer to the dealer's room.

Until I tried to enter.

I LOVE the smack mark on his face!

Lou and Jenny had stayed (more or less) close to the wall as the line moved along, and I had stood with them mostly, but had popped off of my spot (still keeping myself more or less parallel to Lou and Jen) to take photos with Sailor Flare, and to meet Sailor Mo, who I had added to Sailor Moon Avatars many years ago but never had the pleasure of meeting. Now, as Lou and Jenny moved into the dealer's room, I called a quick goodbye to Mo and her friends, as they had already shopped, and hurried after Lou and Jen.

Dr. Cube from Kaiju Big Battel

And almost barreled over the suddenly outstretched arm of a con staffer.

"Back of the line!"


"You got off the line, you have to start from the back again!"

The Sailor Senshi pose with a fan.

I paused, absolutely dumbfounded. I mean, usually, I'm a stickler for rules and regulations, they're all that keep a con from becoming chaos. But, uh, I kind of WAS on the line. Moreover, there weren't any signs I could see that said you had to keep up against the wall to be considered on the line.

Oh, I admit it's possible I didn't see the signs--but if that's so, this is a pretty big rule, and there should've been a BIG HONKING SIGN to match. Plus, I'm being overly fair. I really don't think there were any signs.

Torn, I almost decided to go to the back of the line anyway, even though I had no clue how long it was, and it would mean being completely on my own, as Lou and Jenny were already inside.

I glomp Kingdom Hearts Cloud.

However, for the second time that day, my con experience was saved by the kindness of others.

Sailor Mo and her friends noticed what was going on, and came back to help me.

"She's with us," her friend in the catboy costume said.

"I don't care, she has to get on line," the other staffer said (or something along those lines.)

"You don't want to do this," Mo said.

Chii from Chobits

I believe at that point the con staffer called for help on her walkie-talkie, but Mo just breezed past her and motioned for me to follow. I hesitated, and then followed after. Hey, I might like rules and all, but I like Sailor Mo a lot more. :)

At this point, I was staring at the guy in the kitty boy costume. He just looked so darn familiar, but I wasn't quite sure how. "Can I see your badge?" I asked him. He nodded, so I grabbed the badge dangling from his waist and read it.

And promptly had a heart attack.

Fire Phoenix from Final Fantasy VI
It was KRYSTAL! I'm sure most of you who come to my page and read my con reports, and hopefully visit the Sailor galleries don't remember, but when I first started Sailor Moon Avatars, I had NOBODY on it. There was me, there was my friend Skye (who wasn't even into Sailor Moon, let alone cosplay) that I shoved into my Mars costume and we CGed it into a Neptune costume, and there was my cousin. That was about it. After building the basic pages of the site, I visited an old AOL newsletter for Sailor Moon fans and begged cosplayers to join my site. My first response, way back when, was Sere Moon. The second response, prodded by her to contact me, was Krystal.
Sakura from Card Captor Sakura

Those were more innocent times. Back before eBay had us sending our home addresses to complete strangers just to own a burned-to-VCD copy of the Corey Haim's Video Diary (don't ask) we were much more careful about who we met, and indeed who knew our real names.

Krystal was one of the few people I decided I wanted to meet someday. (The others were Hime-chan, my sister site-owner, who I thankfully have gotten to spend a few weekends with, and the other is my costume maker, Setsuna Kou, who unfortunately I have not had the pleasure of meeting in person yet.) To run into her, and so unexpectedly, was a dream come true for me. I leapt into her arms, and promptly forgot my friends for at least a good 15 minutes hugging her and saying, "I can't believe it's you!" over and over again.

Celestine from Ah My Goddess! Sailor Mo, me, Krystal, Jenny, and Sailor Flare

Eventually, the camera man from Sci Fi Ninja Theater I had met the year before (or was it two years ago?) noticed my and Jenny's costumes, and started photographing and video taping us. Once again con staff made itself felt in unpleasant ways. Even though we moved to the side, far away from the aisles between the tables of merchandise, and even though the poor cameraman had a press badge AND a cane, they hassled us for taking photos in the dealer's room.

Honestly, I think it had more to do with Sailor Mo and Krystal going over their heads then anything else.

Me and Krystal!

I barely even got any time to look around the dealer's room. In all honesty, there is little there I'd want that I can't get at Midtown comics. I'm not a fan of cels, there are few plushies I want (interesting note: I don't like human character plushies at all, but I desperately want a stuffed Ein from Cowboy Bebop, and a life size stuffed Kero-chan from Card Captor Sakura), and translated manga and subtitled anime are plentiful. It's a mark of the popularity anime has reached.

I had told every Sailor Moon cosplayer I had met up to that point to meet up in the main lobby at 5 PM so we could coordinate a massive Sailor Moon photoshoot, so before I knew it, it was time to leave the dealer's room, and pick up as many people as we could in the lobby.

Seiya and Usa, being pervy

Originally my intention was to have the photoshoot outside, where we could enjoy the lovely lawn and the natural lighting. However, it had gotten even windier, so we abandoned this plan.

David Ng, official photographer of Usa and myself, found us at this point, and suggested that, since outside was a no-go, we head up to the second floor where there were several places specifically set aside for photos, including Kevin Lillard's photo suite. This sounded like a good idea, so we waited only two more minutes or so to give people a chance to arrive, and then I, being the bossy senshi that I am, herded a group of at least 20 Sailor Moon cosplayers up the stairs.

"What? You want to take our picture now?"

We had a BALL. Right here I have to stop and say a special thank you to David Ng, of, and Kevin Lillard of A Fan's View, for enduring us, switching poses, calling more people over, and just generally taking what would be the digital equivalent of rolls upon rolls of film of us. All the pictures (which you can access from their websites) came out WONDERFULLY.

And we took such interesting shots!

People kept photographing Usagi Seion, even though she wasn't in costume!
We took humongous group shots, of course. We took a photo of the Royal Family, Sailor Moon, Tuxedo Kamen, and Small Lady. We took several really creepy photos of Black Lady next to a kneeling Small Lady. We took some romantic shots of Usa and Mamoru-san together, we took shots of Haruka and Michiru posing perfectly so their crystal hearts can be CGed in later. We took shots of the senshi at the end of their henshins, and at the beginning of their attacks. All in all it was an avatar collector's dream, and you'll be able to see all of the photos we took in the Sailor galleries on my site in the coming weeks. I even bought high-res printouts from Kevin of the men of Sailor Moon (Umino, Tuxedo Kamen, and Motoki), one of the group shots, one of Mercury, Moon, and myself, and a perfectly adorable one of Usa and I together that shall be made into a LiveJournal icon.
She's going to be Sailor Moon at Otakon, though.

Finally feeling bad over having manipulated so much of Kevin's time, we decided to move on. David mentioned there was a lovely sunlight hallway just up ahead, so we headed that way for, you guessed it, more photos.

The photos we took there came out particularly vibrant, I'm guessing because we had sunlight streaming in from behind us and on the side, without having actual sun glare. Once again, only the goofy ones will end up on my con report page; the best ones will grace the "halls" of Avatars.

Oh, my god, a chibi Vampire Hunter D. How cute!!!
Exhausted from her bout the night before, Usa and her group went off to see if they could find some juice or something. I was pretty tired myself (those heels are short, for me, but you try walking around in them for four hours straight!) so Jenny, Usagi Seion, Rich, Lou, Krystal, Ranma and I all just kind of plopped down where we were to joke and talk and tell stories. I know this is something I've mentioned since the very first con I've attended, but it bears repeating: my absolute, most favorite part of the entire con experience, is meeting other anime fans, and just spending time with them. Not just talking about anime. Talking about anything that pops into your head, but knowing you have this common bond with them that is pretty damn rare anyplace else.
Alice from Kingdom Hearts

The rest of the con sort of petered out for me after that. We were all pretty hungry by this point, so we got some dinner at a deli-type place just outside of the hotel. The boys wanted to check out the games, so headed back to the con. Originally the girls were going to watch the cosplay, but seeing as how it was scheduled to begin at 8 PM, and Murphy's Law is always in high gear at a con, we knew if we did, we wouldn't be leaving New Jersey any time before midnight that night, so we all decided to go into the game room. I ended up having this epic battle of Puzzle Fighter with this little Asian girl.

I lost. I have never had a harder fought battle. I was honored.

Christmas Chii

We watched a DDR tournament and this guy was like amazing...a 333 combo on something on Hard, for a double A. I got to see B-chan, this really wonderful Anthy cosplayer I had met the very first day I went to BAAF and had a wonderful talk with. I remember B-chan helped fix my Mars tiara that very, appropriately enough, I was wearing what I had been the very first time we met . (B-chan was too--I remember B being Anthy at BAAF in 2001.) I also got to meet B-chan's lovely girlfriend, the lady who was cosplaying Black Lady, and who I asked to join Avatars before she quietly informed me she already had. Oops. LOL. The perils of having over 260 cosplayers on your website...

At any rate, we left soon after that, exhausted but happy.

"I love this show!"
Usagi Seion is the person responsible for getting me interested in Sailor Moon in the first place.
God, I can remember the days when all we had to watch was the DiC dub of Sailor Moon...
...including ending every segment with "Sailor Moon Says!"
You cannot stand the loveliness.
I know this isn't cosplay. This kid just rocked.
An ADORABLE little Sumomo!
I leave you with one final image from AnimeNEXT 2004...

Other Pics (None taken by me)

Look at the registration line!!