I warn you now, this page is terribly self indulgent. It's primary purpose is to let my family and friends, at their request, know what Sailor Moon items I already own. However, if a random seller comes across this and has an item I do not have and do want, I would be happy to discuss the possibility of buying it. Lastly, this is just a bragging page. Look at all the cool stuff I've got! ^.^
Le Grande Livre de Sailormoon vol 1-a French version of the manga artbook volume 1.
Sailor Moon Original Artbook II-a German version of the manga artbook volume 2.
Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon artbook III - Japanese (not shown)
Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon artbook IV - Japanese (not shown)
Pretty Soldier Sailormoon Materials collection
A Sailormoon poster with all 10 senshi on it.
A Sailor Moon poster with the five inner senshi in brown hues (not shown)
Sailor Moon purple bookbag - American market
Sailor Moon blue bookbag - American market (not shown)
Sailor Moon Moon Scepter - Canadian market
Luna pen - Japanese (not shown)
Super Sailor Moon's locket - Hong Kong market
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon manga-volumes 1 - 18 (some not shown)
Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon manga reprint 1 - 12 (not shown)
Sailor V 1 -3 (not shown)
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon anime - fansubbed
Sailor Moon musical clock - American market (I believe)
Pink Chibiusa lunchbox - American market
Sailor Moon SuperS movie - Pioneer subbed
Sailor Moon blue mousepad - fanmade
Sailor Moon pink mousepad - fanmade (not shown)
Sailor Moon Pocket Comics-volumes 1 - 10, Sailor Moon SuperS volumes 1 - 4, Sailor Moon Stars volumes 1-3 (some not shown)
Sailor Moon Christmas For You CD - made by Setsuna
Sailor Moon Pretty Cast CD (not shown)
Sailor Mars checkbook (not shown) - fanmade
Sailor Mercury keychain - American market
Sailor Mars keychain - American market (not shown)
Sailor Uranus puffy keychain - American market (not shown)
Sailor Moon S movie-Pioneer subbed
Blue Sailor Moon and Inner Senshi lunchbox - American market
Stallion Reve (is that what it's called?)-Japanese market (not shown)
Sailor Mars fanbook - American market (not shown)
Sailor Mercury fanbook - American market (not shown)
Sailor Jupiter fanbook - American market (not shown)
Sailor Venus fanbook - American market (not shown)
Sailor Mercury and Sailor Mars henshin sticks with nailpolish - Japanese market (not shown)
Sailor Moon Super volumes 1 and 2 - Pioneer subbed (not shown)
Deck of cards with Queen Serenity and two moon cats on the back-American market (not shown)
Mini Sailor Mars figurine (not shown)
Sailor senshi in bathing suits gashapon figures (not shown)

Hina Matsuri Dolls

From left to right: 11" Talking Super Chibi Moon - Italian market, 12" Chara Talk Super Sailor Mars - Japanese market, 11" Principessa Serenity - Italian market, and 11.5" Wicked Lady - American market.

Senshi Plushies! Top Row: Sailor Moon, Tuxedo Kamen, Sailor Moon, Sailor Mars with burgundy hair
Second Row: Sailor Chibimoon, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Venus
Third Row: Sailor Pluto, Sailor Neptune, Sailor Uranus, Chibi Chibi
Fourth Row: Mini Sailor Moon, Mini Sailor Venus, Chibiusa, Mini Sailor Mercury, Mini Sailor Jupiter, Ami-chan with Luna on her head

Animal Plushies! In an arc from left to right, and then middle: Diana UFO catcher - Japanese market, Artemis - Canadian market, musical Luna - Canadian market, talking Pegasus, Artemis, Luna, Luna from PGSM.
Well, that's the list as of February 2007. In general, my wants are things that I don't have (such as the manga artbooks volumes 5 and Infinity) or upgrades (such as a liscensed version of the Playstation game) and RPG items. I prefer merchandise from the Japanese market. I don't collect the dolls beyond the ones shown above, all of which had special meaning behind them.
In addition, none of these items are for sale, but in the interest of spreading joy and the gospel that is Sailor Moon I will most certainly tell you where and how I got any of these items, or any other information about them, if e-mailed and asked. |