AnimeNEXT 2006
June 16 - 17
Day Two
Meryl Strife
At five in the morning, the NyQuil I had taken the night before to knock me out wore off, and my eyes flew open.
"Damn," I thought. Actually, I thought a word stronger then "damn", but I am trying to make this a PG site. "I'm not going to be able to go today."
I felt that horrible. My throat was still sore, my nose alternated between being clogged and needed a tissue every five minutes, and of course it and my cheeks were red and raw from using those tissues, and now here it was 5 AM, and I was already awake.
Brian as Lust--a part he was BORN to play, if you ask me. |
I agonized over this for another three hours. I thought about how I had bought a full weekend pass for the first time ever, and how I was already going to lose out because I couldn't go on Sunday, because it was Father's Day. I thought about how Lou was dressing up as Vash, and I wouldn't be there to be his Meryl. I thought about how I wasn't going to get to see Jamie, who I hadn't seen since Otakon last year, and I missed her terribly, and how I wasn't going to get to see Selphie Fairy, who always makes me smile. I tossed and turned and I couldn't get back to sleep, so finally I gave up and got up at 8 AM.
Vash! Leave Jack Sparrow alone! |
As soon as I stood up, I felt a little better. Oh, my throat still hurt, and my nose was still stuffed, to be sure. But I stood there, and I thought to myself, "If I had work today, I feel well enough to go in." I realize that's kind of backwards logic, that if I feel well enough to work, I feel well enough to have fun, but it made sense to me at the time. So I covered up my red nose with lots of makeup, got dressed, and out I went.
So if you see any pictures of me from this con where I'm doing that anime thing where my lips are slightly parted...I'm not doing it for dramatic effect. I was doing that to BREAHTE.
Faye Valentine from Cowboy Bebop |
So again, I made excellent time to the con, and didn't have to wait on line, and this day, I had even less scheduled to do, so I could go anywhere and do anything on a moment's notice. Ger arrived with Lou around the same time I did, and since Ger had remarked yesterday that he felt left out not being in costume, I brought my pair of kitty ears for him to wear. I *almost* brought the tail for him as well, but I didn't want to press my luck. He looked adorable, and one girl even asked if she could squeeze his ears! I think he enjoyed that. |
A quickly formed Sailor Moon group shot |
We made our tour through the dealer's room again. I'm pretty sure this was our purchasing day--I found a really great Vash shirt that I bought for Louis, and he bought me something I've been meaning to get for years--a Fatal Fury hat! When I was in high school, I used to wear a red Christ the King hat every time it rained, and I'd run around the hallways and flip it up with two fingers to every friend I saw, and no one got it. Now still no one will get it, but at least I'll have the right hat.
This guy was the NICEST Terry Bogard I've ever glomped, hands down. |
We met up with Jess and her group to have a little picnic lunch on the grass in the back of the hotel. That was really nice and relaxing, and I got to browse Tony's wedding album while we were waiting. Thank you so much, Tony! He also popped up to photograph FreakyArcher in her new EGL Saturn costume, which came out amazingly as usual. You know what drives me crazy? Incredibly talented people who complain about how much they suck. Do you know what sucks? Not being able to sew! Try that some time! :) And oh of course this rant was completely unrelated... ::grin:: |
Terra from Final Fantasy II (IV in Japan) |
Unfortunately, I passed most of this day in a delirious haze, so I didn't get to do as much as I wanted, don't remember as much as I did, and didn't get to take as many photos as I would've liked. But I enjoyed spending time with everybody I met up with at the convention.
Kiwi Chickie and her friend as Luna and Diana from Sailor Moon. |
One of the other things I did need to do before I left was see Kevin Lillard of A Fan's View at his photo corner. I hadn't seen him since his medical problems, and while I had heard he was doing much better...that's just one of those things that you want to check on yourself, you know what I mean? I heard that he was attending two cons in one weekend again, and that this wasn't his first time doing that since the surgery either, but he actually looked really wonderful, and I got to give him a hug and tell him not to push himself too hard, so I felt much better. :) And then Lou and I posed for photos for Fan's View, and they actually came out really well, some of the best photos of the lovely costume Athena-chan made for me as of yet.
A group of girls (I think they were all girls) glomp Louis! Look how red he is! :) |
Throughout the whole day, I kept trying Jamie's phone, going, "Where are you? Where are you?" Now, of course, she had a lot of things to do, what with just arriving that day, checking into her hotel, getting into her costume, and rehearsing her skit, because she and her friends were entering the masquerade that night. Well, finally, as we were heading outside, we found her. Yay! Lou and I pretty much tackled her from both sides at the same time, and I bit her a little bit on the shoulder because that's my best way of expressing my happiness sometimes. :) (That, and she had bare shoulders. How could I resist?) And then Lou picked her up in his arms so we could get another photo. That was too much fun. Also, Louis reports that Jamie officially weighs 50 pounds, if that. So now you know. |
An AWESOME V from "V for Vendetta" |
We grabbed Tony again so we could get some more photos, as Lou loves being Vash most of all, so we're always looking to take some cool shots. Tony got some great action ones, but then, I always love 1) his pictures and 2) pictures of Louis, so I'm admittedly a little biased. :)
Lou picks up Jamie! |
Before we left for the day, I made sure we got a group photo of all of our "real life" friends at the con. It's funny; when I started going to anime conventions five years ago, it was primarily to meet new people, and see what all the fuss is about. Now anime conventions are like block parties to me--I'm seeing the same people I always see, plus some people I don't always get to see, but all in a really relaxed party setting, and none of us have to clean up afterwards. Plus, there's tons and tons of photographs. If there is a heaven after we die, that just might be it for me. |
Our Woodside group |
Although the coup d'etat of the day just might have been as we were walking back to the bus stop, when I heard Louis mutter under his breath, mostly to himself, "You know, these things are a lot more fun in costume then out of costume."
I LOVE being right.
From left to right, that's Lou, James, Ger, Oshidori, JenyBean, and me. |
More Photos
Lou's last glomp of the day. |