AnimeNEXT 2008
June 20 - 22
Day Two
Original Concept Sailor Mars
Due to non-cosplay, non-convention, completely outside influences, my heart wasn't really in AnimeNEXT 2008 (or Otakon 2008, to be completely honest.) Thus, I took far less photos than usual, and I don't have the heart to do the detailed descriptive con reports I normally do. I do want to share the photos, however, and at least write a little caption for each, so, enjoy. |

Anthony's a pretty girl! |
Tony Stark! |
...with working chest plate! |

Jae and Drew as Sakura from Card Captor Sakura and Syaoran from Tsubasa: Resevoir Chronicle. |
Vash versus Spike: Tainted Donuts |

Spike and Jet from Cowboy Bebop. |
I've really been getting into candid photos recently. This girl's expression was so perfect for Sally that I had to try to snap it without her noticing. |
Rob as Mario from Super Mario Brothers. |
Exchanging flasks after a long, hard con day. |
More Photos (None taken by me)
Windswept senshi |
"This is the ultimate showdown, of ultimate destiny" |
"Good guys bad guys and explosions, as far as the eye can see" |
"And only one will survive, I wonder who it will be?" |
"This is the ultimate showdown, of ultimate destiny " |
Bad guys/antiheroes win |
But not for long! |
Good will always triumph over evil |