AnimeNEXT 2014
June 6 - 8
Day Two
Utena - school uniform
One of the nicest things about the hotel I stayed in was the all you can eat breakfast offered in the restaurant off of the lobby. It had bacon! Do you know how much bacon $10 would usually buy me? Can you guess how much I ate? I normally don't eat a traditional breakfast, even though I love breakfast food, so to have an excuse to really indulge was an absolute blessing. I justified it by telling myself I'd be walking all day, and skipping lunch. It was such a relaxing start to the day, to be able to bury myself in calories and a good book.
Isn't wrapping this supposed to be Akio's job? |
Filled with fuel to forge through the day, I returned to the room and got dressed in Utena's school girl uniform, though I had brought the accessories to turn it into duelist on the very off-chance that I should run into an Anthy in her rosebride dress. My ankle had felt completely normal during the walk to and from the restaurant and around my room, so I figured I was healed, and skipped wrapping my ankle. This is precisely the sort of bone-headed decision I am prone to making. I got as far as the lobby when the pain caught up with me. At least I'm not that stubborn about changing my mind; I turned right around and limped back up to my hotel room. Thankfully Utena's a pretty simple costume, so I was able to just yank off my sock, put the bandage right over my stocking, replace my sock and shoe, and get back on my way, sans pain. |
Tamaki, Hikaru, Haruhi, and Kaoru from Ouran Host Club |
I started my day off by trying to retrace the route I had taken the other day, from my hotel room, to the red dock, through the hotel, to the convention center. This was my first time walking it completely solo, and I wanted to try to familiarize myself with my surroundings. Of course, I was also on my usual photo-hunt. Unfortunately, the older I get, the more people are cosplaying from newer anime that I'm not familiar with; quite a bit of the weekend consisted of me running down a mental checklist: "I don't recognize that, or that, or that, or that." On the plus side, I've noticed that the people who do cosplay or recognize old school anime have their own little special bond; quite a few times people would approach me, saying, "You're Rei/Utena/Umi! THANK YOU!"
Quicksilver from X-Men |
Outside of the convention center proper, I ran into Junior again! He had a little time, so we decided to do another quick photoshoot together. It was so bright it was actually a problem: my bright pink hair kept reflecting the sun into his lens, while my matte black jacket was absorbing shadows. On the plus side, the costume was so comfortable that I had more freedom in posing than I would have ordinarily; I'm not outright saying that I climbed a tree or did anything that might be against the policies of AnimeNEXT or any of its locations, but, you know, I was certainly willing and able. Hey, we all put ourselves in precarious positions for good photos, right? Once again, it was honestly just nice to get to know Junior a little better, I hope spend a little more time with him at future cons. (Hey, us adult congoers have to stick together!) |
Chun Li from Street Fighter |
As Junior and I headed back to the path between the hotel and the convention center, I saw DJ Ranma S dressed as Dr. Luigi! I hadn't gotten to spend much time with him the day before, so I suggested we prowl around together for a while and catch up. He was absolutely hilarious as Dr. Luigi, telling people that he had less lawsuits than his brother Mario, and having lollipops to give out to the good little patients. I'm half tempted to make a Nurse Daisy costume to accompany him...
Ariel from The Little Mermaid |
At point during our walk, I felt someone tap me on the arm. Turning around, I saw a very pretty girl dressed as Tifa from Advent Children. "Excuse me," she said, "but are you dressed as Utena? I'm going to be wearing Anthy's school uniform this afternoon, will you be dressed in Utena all day?" It was like providence! How often does that happen, especially with an anime that hasn't been popular in ages? Right then and there I did something that I hadn't done in years--I gave a complete stranger my phone number, just so that she could text me when she had changed, and we could meet up and get some pictures together. When was the last time I had met someone brand new at a convention, purely through a mutual love of a fandom? That's *all* conventions used to be for almost all of us when we first started. To have that experience again, more than ten years later, really reminded me why and how conventions are so special to me in the first place. |
Granmamare from Ponyo |
Ranma and I continued on into the convention center and into the Dealer's Room. Let me just say, he is a BAD influence. I had done well the day before with Avi, in part because I had only seen one thing that had even halfway tempted me. Saturday was worse; I almost bought this gorgeous Utena statue (come ON! I was DRESSED as her!), but told myself to wait until Sunday--after all, it might end up on sale. However, I completely weakened when I saw some of the Sailor Moon gashapons that I did not have yet; the set of the inner senshi. Yeah, they might be cheaper on Sunday...but they also might be gone on Sunday. Ranma put the final nail in the coffin when he swooped in to buy the figure of Minako in her swimsuit (thankfully, I own that set already.) I had to have them.
Cookie Moon! |
After the Dealer's Room, we crossed the hall to the Artist's Alley. While academically I know that Ranma knows a *lot* of people, actually experiencing it firsthand by being introduced to virtually every third person you pass is an entirely different manner. There's no way I would remember everyone's name--I don't know how he does it! For my part, the most I could do was draw his attention to every piece of Sailor Moon art that I thought would interest him--so basically anything that featured human Luna or Sailor Venus. The people in the Artist Alley were SO talented, it can really make my own art feel completely pointless at times! But on the other hand, it's very inspiring, seeing people love the same things I love, which at the heart of the matter is the motivation behind all art, really. |
DJ Ranma S as Dr. Luigi |
Once we had gone through the Artist's Alley, Ranma and I decided to take a walk back the way we came to the lawn in front of the hotel so that we could take more pictures for our respective websites. Ranma and his friends also have a podcast, Anime Jam Session, with an accompanying website that features articles on anime and video games, and convention reports and photos. So if you're ever looking for a picture of yourself and you don't see it in one of my convention reports, chances are good you'll see it in theirs. (Plus, they go to a lot more cons than I do!)
Wonder Woman |
By this point it was well past noon, so I decided to break off on my own for a bit, and find a quiet place to sit, take a bit of a lunch break, and call my grandfather and mother. The weather was so gorgeous that I was able to find a place under the shade of a tree outside the hotel to get off of my feet and relax while I talked; I'll be honest, even just being *outside* made the weekend worthwhile, after the long and bitterly cold winter we've had. For a while I did nothing at all, except play my 3DS--I wanted to try to keep up with all of the Street Passes I was getting! |
The convention center proper |
Before too long, I got a text from Tony! The pictures I had showed him on my camera the night before had convinced him to bring his kids over to the con so they could see all of the people in costume, particularly the Disney characters! I left the shade of my tree and moved closer to the red dock, and stretched out on the grass to enjoy the sun. Those of you who know me in real life will find this hard to believe, but *I* actually got *hot*. That's almost unprecedented. I guess it was my black jacket absorbing the sun, but still--I can't remember the last time I tried to lower my temperature instead of raise it! Tony and his double-wide stroller arrived well before I became uncomfortable, and we had fun pointing out all of the cast of Frozen to his little boy.
Kaoru, Kyoya, Hikaru, Tamaki, Renge, and Honey from Ouran Host Club |
We decided to get out of the crowd before too long, so we headed back to the shady spot I had been camping out in before so he could unstrap the twins and let them and his oldest run around for a while. Those of you with children know this already, I'm sure, but adorable toddlers have to be the best ice-breaker ever invented. Old attendees and young, cosplayers and photographers, steampunkers and Homestucks all absolutely melted when his daughter would toddle up to them to show them her stuffed monkey, or when his youngest son would suddenly discover the laws of gravity and end up on his diaper. However, Tony pointed something out to me, and he was right...I wish I had been able to make a sign, "YES they are adorable, NO they're not mine." I could NEVER produce anything as beautiful as those three children! |
Princess Peach and Princess Daisy from Super Mario Strikers |
Prior to the con I had "signed up" to do a photoshoot with PopeCerebus at 2:30 PM, so around 2 o'clock Tony loaded up the kids and we started making our way over to the pool that lies between the hotel and the convention center, where I had promised to meet PopeCerebus. We tried our best to find a stroller-friendly route by going a roundabout way, but every way we tried ended in either a dead-end or stairs. I felt bad, but I didn't want to be late, so I said goodbye to Tony and the kids, and made my way down to the walkway and the pool entrance.
Carrie as bunny suit Fionna from Adventure Time |
We only had about a half an hour in which to conduct the shoot, as PopeCerebus had an extremely full schedule, but we still managed to venture out a little further off the beaten path than I had gone so far, and find some really great places to take pictures. It can be a little difficult finding good backgrounds when you're at a crowded convention, but luckily PopeCerebus has done this plenty of times before, and knew the location better than I did, so while I haven't seen all of his photos yet, I'm confident we got some good shots. (I *do* need a new wig, though, this one is really showing its age! Well, it IS nine years old!) |
The walkway between the hotel and the convention center |
After we were finished, I checked my phone--and had missed a text from Nicole, the girl who had promised to change into Anthy! I was a half an hour late in replying, but I sent her a text back, hoping she hadn't already changed back or left. Before too long I heard back, saying that she was hanging out with her friends, but if I didn't mind waiting for her, she'd head back to meet me. Mind? Can you imagine? I kept PopeCerebus company while he waited for his next photoshoot subjects, and found another shady tree to relax under while I waited for Nicole.
Radical Edward from Cowboy Bebop |
While I was waiting, I heard a tentative voice say, "Crissy?" I looked over, and there was a really cute girl in glasses and freckles peering at me. "I don't know if you remember me, or recognize me--" and as soon as she said that, I DID. "You're Cassi! You're the girl I can never recognize in costume!" I threw my arms around her--I hadn't seen her since AnimeNEXT 2007! It was SO good to see her again--in the same way that Ranma and Usa (and a few other of the New York cosplayers) are the very first people I met at my very first con, I was one of the first people Cassi met at her first con. I've virtually watched her grow up, and seeing her so happy and confident and beautiful makes me SO proud. |
Let's Go Rangers! |
As we were catching up, Cassi mentioned that she'd branched out into photography as well, and would enjoy if we could shoot together sometime. I explained that I was actually waiting on an Anthy so that we could get some pictures, and we figured that this looked like a perfect opportunity! Cassi's friends were on their way to something else, so we agreed that she'd accompany them, and I'd text her once Nicole had found me.
Rogue from X-Men |
I didn't have too long to wait--soon after, Nicole and her friends arrived, and she looked...just beautiful. There really are no other words to describe her. She even had a white rose and a beautiful little watering can as props! Cassi came back to join us, and as PopeCerebus had a free spot in his schedule just at that time, he decided to accompany us as well. Introductions were made all around, and then Cassi led the way to yet another part of the property I hadn't seen yet--the grounds could easily pass for Ohtori. I'm not sure I've ever posed for two photographers at the same time before, but Cassi and PopeCerebus knew what they were doing, didn't get in each other's ways, and even collaborated on ideas. And I've obviously never done a shoot with Nicole before, but I had SUCH a good time that I hope we do more in the future--she really is a PERFECT Anthy, but also, just a really, really nice girl. |
Luigi, Wario, and Waluigi from Mario Kart |
After the shoot, it was getting pretty close to dinner time, so I said goodbye to PopeCerebus, Nicole and her friends, Cassi and her friends, and tried to figure out where I could catch the Food Shuttle. The staffers were really nice and helpful, and I was soon pointed in the right direction. It was a bit of a wait, but before too long a bus pulled up that would take people to a local plaza where there were a few restaurants. The bus was provided free of charge by AnimeNEXT! (There was another one that made a run to the local train station. Very accommodating!) I almost ran into a small bit of trouble--I had misunderstood the list of local vendors printed in the back of my program, and the food shuttle didn't actually run to all of them. But the driver needed to pass by a secondary area anyway, so I was able to get my Subway for dinner! From what I understand, this driver ended up helping a LOT of people out that weekend--he really went above and beyond. He even warned us that he wasn't going to be back for at least an hour, so I decided to take my dinner back to my hotel room rather than eat it in the restaurant.
Tony's son took this one! |
I did a fair job of juggling my sandwich and my giant soda when it came time to stick my key card in my hotel room door...to no result. Figuring I must have just done it wrongly, I set everything down, and tried again. No dice. I was starting to get frustrated, when I looked to the right and saw a girl at the door next to mine, having the same problem. There was a chance that this was the symptom of a problem rather than just a random coincidence, so I suggested we head down to the front desk together and let them know what was going on. As we waited for the elevator, she asked me who I was dressed as, so I told her, adding that Revolutionary Girl Utena wasn't exactly a current series. "Oh, that's okay, I LOVE old anime!" she told me. "There's this really old one I just got into, Inuyasha, it's really good!" |
Sofia the First |
I admit I kind of choked on my own spit for a minute there. I remember when Inuyasha was NEW. I remember when Inuyasha was the "it" cosplay of Otakon 2004. Inuyasha is only TEN YEARS OLD! ...Inuyasha is already ten years old? (Well, more if you count from when it started, less if you count from when it ended, but STILL.) I know I've made jokes about being one of the old farts of cosplay before--even though to this day I *still* feel like a bit of a newbie, because I've known so many people who were already doing it for a while before *I* started--but I have to admit, this made me feel positively ANCIENT. If Inuyasha is old, then Sailor Moon is ANCIENT! And what about truly classic anime--Akira must be prehistoric! Kids these days. (She was really nice, though. It's just random chance that she was so much younger than I am.)
Apollo Justice and Trucy Wright from Ace Attorney |
The hotel got our cards straightened out (and cautioned me not to keep them next to anything magnetic--which I already knew, having ruined my keycard at AnomalyCon by keeping it next to my credit cards, and I had deliberately kept my keycard in my swag bag this time to avoid that, but things happen), and I headed up to my room to enjoy my dinner and the Belmont Stakes. The sandwich was okay. The race was HEARTBREAKING. I called each of my parents after it ended, trying to figure out what went wrong, but again, things happen--the horse just ran out of steam. At least none of the horses got hurt. And I do feel that the owner's subsequent comments were completely out of line, but since you came here for a convention report rather than my thoughts about the state of horse racing, I'll leave it at that. |
Cassi and I! |
The results of the race disheartened me a bit more than I thought they would, so after it was over, I had to drag myself back to the con in an effort to cheer myself up--besides, it was really too early to call it a day, even for me. I trudged dejectedly along the route I had traced so many times already that weekend; I saw PopeCerebus waiting for his next photoshoot subject, and told him my horse didn't come in. I saw Ranma on his way to an event, and told him my horse didn't come in. And then I saw Jesse, who I hadn't seen since AnimeNEXT 2007--this really was my weekend for running into some of the old con veterans! I whined to him that my horse didn't come in, so he suggested we head over to the bar to drown our sorrows. That seemed like a perfect way to end the night, so we did.
I found a Terry! |
Jesse and I had a great time catching up in the hotel bar, catching up on each other's lives, talking about the current state of the fandom, and also joining in cheering on the Rangers in the second game of the Stanley Cup Playoffs. I limited myself to two drinks--after all, there was still another day left, not to mention the drive home--before saying goodnight and starting back to my hotel. I tried to stay up for the end of the game, but once it went into double overtime, I had to give up and go to sleep. Not a great sports day for New York at all--thank goodness I had cosplay to look forward to. |
Jesse and I |
Sailor Moon and Utena Photos
Princess Sailor Moon |
Sailor V |
Sailor Moon |
Sailor Moon |
Sailor Jupiter |
Sailor Mercury |
Sailor Moon |
School and Duelist Utena |
Cheesy mirror shot! |
Sailor Jupiter |
Minako |
Sailor Moon |
Tuxedo Kamen |
Super Sailor Moon, Super Sailor Jupiter, and Sailor Mars |
More Photos
Dr. Luigi, Luigi, and Wario |
More Photos (none taken by me)
Another Terry! |
Jesse and I |
Classy. |