Big Apple Anime Fest 2003
Day Three
1:00 PM to 10:00 PM
Tifa Lockheart
The skit members I was performing with for the cosplay competition had agreed to meet at 1 PM. Now, as you've seen from some of the other photos, I have naturally curly (*cough*FRIZZY*cough*) hair, and I knew I could never pass for a reasonable Tifa without straight hair. Even then, I wasn't sure I would make a reasonable Tifa. I was wearing a body suit instead of a half shirt due to weight issues, and the suspenders weren't 100% accurate and...well, don't get me started. |
Me as Tifa Lockheart from Final Fantasy VII |
I made an appointment to get my hair straightened for 10 AM. Alex had agreed to drive me (so as not to get windblown or frizzy hair, or jumped, considering what I'd be wearing) so I figured I had plenty of time.
The woman took TWO HOURS. Poor Alex! He was waiting in the car the whole time.
This would be a really great picture of Carrie and me if it weren't for that finger! |
But, she did a fabulous job. Not only did she wash my hair and trim my bangs, but my hair was as straight as a pin and stayed that way all day. And, since there was little traffic, I got to the convention at five minutes past 1. I found most of my other skit members, and we agreed to meet at 3 to rehearse. They had recorded our lines the night before, but we had still never done a run through to practice our blocking. |
Cloud? Who needs Cloud? |
While waiting, I ran into my friends Usagi Seion and Rich, and my college friend Jess and her friends. (This becomes important to the story.) |
Seifer versus Squall. Final Fantasy VIII. |
Mind you, I had only finished my gloves (the part of my costume that required the most work) the night before, thank God. I had wrapped an ace bandage around one, and dug two holes with one of my knives, and then widened them with scissors, to Krazy Glue two green marbles in the other for Materia. Of course, with all the posing, it was only a matter of time before one fell out. But Carrie came to the rescue with tacky glue! Thanks, Carrie, you're a lifesaver! |
"Hello. My name is Tifa Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." |
At this point I met Terry of Fly By Night Design. He is really, really cool! I posed for a few pictures for him and it was a lot of fun. |
Another Miroku for Hime-chan! |
While waiting for three o'clock, I roamed the halls. I never did get to go into the dealer's room again, but there were plenty of photos to take and pose for. The lesson of yesterday proved true again: If you are dressed as a character from Final Fantasy, people WILL take your photograph. |
An absolutely stunning movie Anthy and movie Utena. |
(I guess it doesn't hurt if you're wearing a low cut shirt and short skirt, either.) |
Hey! Get away from my materia, thief! |
I'd like to take a short minute to rant here.
Who the hell decided to put the cosplay competition as the last event (except for closing ceremonies, of course, but I'll get to that in a minute) of the entire convention?? Having it on Saturday is a MUCH better idea. That way people can wear a comfy costume if they choose on Friday, when they're tired from traveling to the convention, then wear the "money" costume on Saturday for the competition, then have Sunday to relax, pack, say goodbye, and leave. But having the competition on Sunday--Sunday NIGHT, no less--means that everyone's tired (and probably cranky--just what you want when the decisions are announced!) and, not only that, but God forbid they actually TRAVELED to get to this convention, now they either have to start their trip back late at night when they're tired, or stay an extra day. |
Sumomo and Kotoko from Chobits |
Okay, I'm done. (For now.) |
Li Shaoran and Li Mei Lin from Cardcaptor Sakura |
People were balls of fun on Sunday. It was probably the lack of sleep and food. We saw some Jay and Silent Bob cosplayers, who we probably shouldn't have been as excited to see as we were, but what can I say? I love the quiet type. People were just laughing and posing for pictures and flashes were going left and right. |
Jay and Silent Bob! |
At this point, I was hanging out with this one particular group of cosplayers. |
An adorable little Radical Ed! She is the sister of one of our skit members. |
One of them was a really, really nice Squall, who, it turned out, could play the piano beautifully. We snuck over to a covered piano that was hidden in an alcove, and he began to play all sorts of different music from the varios Final Fantasy games. I wish I had known! I can play Aeris's theme, but I need the sheet music in front of me to do so. Several of the con staff came over at various times to try to get us to stop, but the music was so good (and he was obviously not destroying the piano or anything) that they ended up just staying to listen. One of them even took a picture! Finally one of the hotel staff came over and made us stop. Oh, well. |
Radical Edward and Piano Playing Squall |
It was time for me to find the rest of my group anyway. |
Girl-type Oshi as Celes from Final Fantasy VI |
We gathered on the fifth floor near the escalators and waited for skit members to arrive. And waited. And waited. And waited. We were supposed to head into the green room at 5 PM (the cosplay was set to start at seven) and as it drew nearer and nearer to 5, we had no Rinoa. Needless to say, this was very, very bad. Finally, we couldn't wait anymore, and started heading up the stairs to the Green Room. |
Girl-type Oshi's boss tattoo. It goes all the way around her wrist. |
As we walked, CHris remarked that Carrie had brought her Rinoa costume from the year before, so if our Rinoa didn't show, maybe we could find a replacement.
No sooner had he said it, but who should we see but my friend Jess!
"Jess!" I yell. "Do you want to be a just-in-case Rinoa?"
"Just come with me!
So, that's how most of our group ended up in the Green Room, while Carrie took Jess to change into her spare Rinoa costume.
Another Zell! and Rinoa from Final Fantasy VIII |
"Only with you, Crissy," Jess kept saying. As if that were a BAD thing.
So, we filed into the Green Room. It kind of sucked that this year, we couldn't watch the skits that went before us. They kept us on one side of the Green Room, then as skits went on they moved you to the other side, and then finally three groups at a time back stage, and then of course finally onstage. Once you were done, you could go out into the audience (the place was PACKED, by the way!) and watch the ones after you. Of course, if you were some of the last acts, this particularly sucked for you, but oh well. |
Most of our skit group. |
Carrie came back with Jess and she looked ADORABLE, even with blonde hair and glasses. We passed her a copy of the script (even though all of the lines were prerecorded, she still needed to learn the blocking) and then we all started discussing how we're going to stand on stage.

Me and Jess as Tifa and Rinoa! |
Because, you know, we never did get around to practicing.
They had us stand in front of a round table with some judges backstage for costume construction judging, which went by very fast. We all started getting nervous as we got closer and closer to going on stage. Finally, they lead us backstage, where we waited with Anna, a fellow NYO! member who has performed with us in the past, but was serving on BAAF staff this year.
Somehow, the Emcee (or someone) messed up the order, and we were called to go onstage a little sooner then we expected. As we walked out, with me in the lead, we wait for the opening line to play.
Not a sound comes forth. |
s0ni as our White Mage, waiting for the cosplay results |
I got to about halfway across the stage (and heard someone scream, "CRIIIIIISSYYYY!" but I don't know who!) and stopped. Still no sound. The audience began to snigger. Just as Oshi started to suggest that we should try to remember the lines as well as we could, it finally began to play.
I have to admit, a lot of the credit has to go to CHris, our writer. In case you're curious, the skit went along the lines of the women (me as Tifa, Oshi as Celes, Carrie as Aeris, and Jess as Rinoa) of Final Fantasy arriving at BAAF to do a skit, but they can't find Squa--er, "Leon". The girls snipe at each other a bit, Tifa makes fun of some of the rather overplayed FF skit ideas, and they walk off to try to find bishies to watch kiss. Rinoa wonders what happened to Squall.
Best Novice - "Moonlight Waltz" with Final Fantasy characters |
Next, you see Alexis as FFX-2 Yuna and s0ni as a White Mage playing Dungeons and Dragons with Ranma as Barrett as Dungeon Master. Yes, friends, it's that famous "Can I have a Mountain Dew?" skit first popularized by Dr. Demento and that has gained recent fame as a special feature on the Summoner video game. CHris as Squall/Leon was the Mountain Dew guy. Basically, it was hysterical. |
Best in Show - Legend of Mana |
We walked off and watched the rest of the cosplay--everything was wonderful, except for one brief moment when I was afraid the audience was going to start chanting, "Chair!" I promise you, someone would have died at my hands, had that happened. But then, after it was all over, we got the bombshell dropped on us--even though the cosplay had ended at twenty to 7, the winners of the cosplay competition wouldn't be announced until the closing ceremonies at 9 PM! WTF??
Nothing we could do, though. After not having eaten since 10 AM that morning, by 8 o'clock that night, I was dying. Jess, who originally wanted to go home with her friends (who must've been bored out of their minds waiting for us, gomen, guys!) agreed to stick around in costume to wait for the results, and then agreed to accompany me outside for a hot dog. We killed a little (okay, a lot) of time, then filed back in at 9.
I had a bit of film left, so I decided to photograph all the winners. First, the nice piano playing Squall and his group won Best Novice.
Now, the group I was in was entered as Journeyman, because while I have never won an award or even remotely made my own costume before, other members of our group, such as Ranma, have won several.
The moment arrived...
We won! I don't have a picture, because I was too busy jumping up and down screaming like a madman, and then flying onto the stage to jump on my other skit members like a madman. But it was one of the most exciting moments of my life.
I also missed photographing the next skit that won because we were busy congratulating each other (and divvying up the prizes, ha ha. You know,I didn't even take one. Winning was prize enough for me.
I did get most of the rest of the winners, though, until my camera ran out of film. |
Judge's Choice - Gambler Rikku |
Judge's Choice - Witch Hunter Robin (she did this neat candle-lighting trick!) |
Judge's Choice - Lady Suberu |
The really big winner of the night was a girl dressed as Sumomo from Chobits, who won the grand prize, a trip to Japan. I think she might have been the only one happier then me that night. :)
I think they also gave out prizes to all the kids who entered, which was really nice of them. (There were more then the ones I have here, but as I mentioned, I ran out of film.) |
Grand Prize Winner - Sumomo |
All in all, this was one of the most wonderful cons I've been too. There was definitely an increase in attendees, there was definitely an increase in cosplayers (unlike the first year when it was, what, me and Ranma? And CHris by accident?) There was also a noticable improvement in the quality of the costumes, which I thought was very neat. I could've taken more pictures absolutely every day I was there, but I shuddered to think of the developing costs I was already racking up. The dealer's room was a bit overpriced, but when is it not? None of the anime they were showing was too exciting, but that's just as well, because I spent most of my time running around the halls with a camera anyway. |
Chibi Vash! |
So. Now to decide what I'm doing for BAAF 2004... |
An ADORABLE Utena and Miki. I wanted to take them home. |