Running around as Batgirl is an *awful* lot of fun. When Patti and Steph and I were discussing my flying out to Denver Comic Con, we were thinking of doing the Wonder Woman + Supergirl + Batgirl trio again. But I really didn't like my old costume--as I mention on that page, it's too short for me (and that's an accomplishment, seeing as how I'm only 5 foot 4), it's the wrong color, it comes with gauntlets but no gloves. These are all things I was willing to put up with, until Rubies released a "Grand Heritage" edition of the same costume, which is *exponentially* better, but was also much more expensive. However, just as we were mulling over DCC, I looked it up on Amazon on a whim, and wonder of wonders! It was on sale for HALF PRICE! You don't get much better than that, so I jumped on it. Sadly, DCC fell through for me, so I decided to make this my Saturday costume for NYCC that year.