Batgirl, Wonder Woman, and Supergirl
"I have to find another path. Divine my own future. One uniquely mine. Not a page from someone else's book. Not a fate that begins and ends on page one."
Batgirl, Wonder Woman, Supergirl
Various DC titles
Made by: Licensed costume (Batgirl, Supergirl), JenyBean (Wonder Woman)
Appeared: New York Comic Con 2011
Status: Retired |
An equal amount of praise (or blame, depending on your point of view) for both these costumes and the resurrection of SCJ belongs to Pete DeLuca. A few months before the comic con, Pete tagged me, JenyBean, and Usagi Seion as Batgirl, Wonder Woman, and Supergirl. As I've mentioned elsewhere, JenyBean's favorite comic book character of all time is Wonder Woman, and she had made herself the costume to celebrate her 30th birthday. Usagi Seion was the natural choice of Supergirl due to her blonde hair, and that left Batgirl for me. Well, Jeny, Usagi and I laughed, teased Pete...and then looked at the picture again, and figured, why not? We hadn't cosplayed together in about seven years. A lot has happened since then, but a lot has been resolved, too. It was time.
There isn't much I can say about the costumes. JenyBean had made hers the year before, and Usagi Seion and I bought ours online. Once we knew we'd be wearing these to New York Comic Con, the only move that made sense was to schedule a photoshoot with David Ng, who had helped form (and name) SCJ in the first place. But the best part of the day had to be all of the little girls who were at the comic con who came up to us in breathless wonder and asked to take a picture with us. There's no doubt about it--SCJ is back.
Update: This costume was too short (on me! I'm only 5 foot 4!), the wrong color, and didn't come with its own gloves--I bought the "Grand Heritage" Batgirl costume and will be wearing that from now on. |
CGs and Fanart