Big Apple Comic Con 2016

March 5


Is it Big Apple Comic Con? Is it New York Comic Book Marketplace? It seems to be used interchangably. Nevertheless, it's a one day con that I spend a large portion of my time outside for, so captions seem more appropriate than a full-on report. I TALKED TO JAMES O'BARR AGAIN. I THINK I MANAGED COMPLETE SENTENCES THIS TIME.

Tim Drake Red Robin
Matt Murdock from Daredevil
*Fantastic* Captain America. I got to pose with him some during the Marvel photoshoot.
Really awesome Scarlet Witch cosplayer from the movies.
I had lunch with Greg. He's gonna make that face when I use my camera, I'm gonna publish that photo. I did warn him.
Super Soldier Bucky!
Me with a Rule 63 Jubilee
Spinelli from Recess!
Kate Foil as Black Widow
I MET JAMES O' BARR AGAIN. I didn't know he was going to be there! He was just in Artist's Alley instead of a featured guest (why, I'll never know), so I just kind of spotted him from one of the aisles, panicked for a few seconds, then made my way over. I hadn't brought any of my Crow stuff with me, so I was going to commission a sketch, but I didn't have any cash on me, and his handler's Square thingamabob was broken. So I asked if he would take a picture with me, and he said yes! And he actually came out from behind the table and everything! And then he asked me how I wanted to pose, and I kind of melted and said "Any way you want to" because SERIOUSLY THIS IS JAMES O'BARR, AND THEN HE DID THE PROM POSE WITH ME AND I DIED. I'm dead. The end. (No, I existed a little while longer. But OH MY GOD JAMES O'BARR.)
Then I went outside to do the Marvel photoshoot. Jesus Christ Bananas it was cold! Jesse loaned me his jacket.
Agent Coulson, Captain America, Nick Fury, and Luke Cage
I had put my hair in curlers the night before! You can almost see a difference.
Am I photobombing the Spider-Men?
Don't worry, this was a misleading cover. Dr. Doom can't actually lift Mjollnir.
The gathering crowd.
What a neat setup! I don't know what those stairs are for usually, but they made a great place to pose.
"Cosplayers, Assemble!"
First, heroes!
More heroes.
Look at all the photographers!
I think this was the antihero group?
Great candid shot of Kate
I honestly can't remember if I was posing or just fixing my hair.
Heroes versus villains
The guys in the back
Side view
Jesse got a little snap happy with my camera.
I am exponentially less attractive when I'm not aware my photo is being taken.
Spider-Man and...Blue Spider-Man? Honestly the Spider-verse is pretty overpopulated with arachnids, it's hard to keep track.
Members of Avengers, past and current
Mike Fischman and me!
Everyone was taking silly couple shots, so this random (but really nice) cosplayer and I turned to each other and hugged. Instant friendship!
The men of Marvel
The ladies of Marvel
Well, why not.
These negasonic teenagers and their new-fangled phones.
This is about as affectionate as Rogue can safely get.
We did another "all Marvel" shoot as more people had shown up.
I asked the really great Captain America if it would be okay to pose like this--you always ask with someone you don't know. (And even sometimes if you do.)
And more people kept coming!
Legopool has arrived! The crowd started chanting, "LegoPOOL! LegoPOOL!"
He was having a lot of trouble climbing up the stairs (the legs weren't flexible) so the crowd started chanting, "Pick him UP! Pick him UP!" I quickly warned people no, no, that's not a good idea. Costumes are breakable, yo.
Heroes again
I like Spidey on Wolverine's shoulders. That was neat.
I believe another Avengers group?
Now with Nick Fury.
These guys took a 3D scan of my body to make an action figure out of me! I checked it out--if you ever want to feel insecure about every bulge of your body, have this done. If I ever get down to my ideal weight again, I'll probably give this another try.
The photoshoot starts to wind down.
But what a great way to meet new friends!
Gadget and Monty from Rescue Rangers!
Lando Calrissian from Star Wars
Finn from Star Wars
Cosplaying While Black (it's a thing, look it up)
Me and Brian Ngai!
OH HEY let's do another Marvel photoshoot! Indoors this time!
It was warmer temperature wise, but it also cast a warm kind of "filter" over all the photos.
Posing for Brian
Mike had taken over using my camera for me, and he figured out the settings far better than I ever have!
More and more people kept showing up.
Marvel women
Marvel versus DC
There I am!
And now, a fun one!
"Everyone cheer really quietly!"
The other Rogue in the front is Queen Ally Cosplay! She's got some seriously amazing costumes.
Mike poses with his hero.
Black Panther
The best (and most fun) way to defeat Wolverine.
Captain Zorikh and me
This was funny...
...but THIS was even funnier.
Linwood showed up towards the end of the con, and ended up winning a prize because he knew Captain Marvel was originally supposed to be called Captain Thunder.

More Photos (none taken by me)

Oh sure, when it's HIS camera, he smiles. My hair looks fantastic here.
Mike as Finn and me as Rogue
I take The Red Hood's memories.
"Uh, maybe you shouldn't be doing that?" - Jesse in the background.
Well that solves that problem.
Kate Foil as Black Widow and me as Rogue
And another one.