Big Apple Comic Con 2004

September 18


To be honest, we didn't do that much. It's a comic con; there are no panels, no events (or not many), just a bunch of people selling comic books and statues and some book signings. So there's not much of a report I can do, but I CAN post all of the pictures I took.

Goldust and a Star Trek chick...odd mix.
These girls were SO COOL! They had set up their own "artists table" and were selling art. I bought from each of them! Apparently they go a lot--all of the vendors there knew their names.

Grrr. Somebody way sexier than me...

Black Cat from Spiderman

We missed the actual performance, but apparently they had a bunch of girls representing Japanese culture.
Taking a bow.
Forgive the poor lighting. Louis feels the need to photograph anyone in pigtails.
More cute Japanese girls.
A group shot of the Japanese performers.
OMG Spiderman!
"Tell us about your character..."
This was during the costume competition...
Or, more accurately, after the costume competition, when they made us come back up again so that some reporters could film it, and look like there were more entrees.
Really, Lou, enough with the Japanese girls!
As if on cue, the Japanese girls came up to join us on stage.
Taking a bow.
I don't know who he's supposed to be, but he kicks ass.
Alice from the Resident Evil movie.
Lara Croft from the Tomb Raider movie.
Not part of the con in any way, shape, or form, but this guy was playing the "drums" in a subway station on our way home, and these little kids were just so entranced with him that they went up to him, and he gave them some drumsticks and let them play along. So cute!