"Meow, this fight is not over yet, She-Ra! We shall meet again on Beast Island."
Masters of the Universe
Made by: Dokudel - Summer/Fall 2014
Appeared: New York Comic Con 2014
Status: Active |
I think it's against federal law not to be a fan of Masters of the Universe if you were born in the early 1980s. One of my very earliest memories is my friend Gregory and I calling each other "Bonehead" and collapsing into giggles over how incredibly badass that made us. Still, somehow I've never gotten around to cosplaying from it, even though She-Ra now has a pretty decent licensed costume out (although who knows, I still might.) I might still have put it off, if the people behind the Masters of the Universe convention, Power-Con, hadn't announced that they were moving the convention from California to my own borough of New York City, Queens! One of my cosplay friends, Cookie, is a huge MotU fan, and immediately took to Facebook to see if anyone wanted to put together a cosplay group, and maybe even enter the costume contest! I hadn't been in a contest in over a decade, so I jumped on board instantly. Since I prefer not to have duplicates if humanly possible, I decided to pass over She-Ra on the assumption that she would either be taken or wanted, and I didn't want to step on anyone's toes. (And, much like with JenyBean's 30th birthday, yet again, no one picked her either. What is it with my groups of friends and no one ever wanting to be the main character?) When I thought about the other female characters I had loved, they were either taken, or I knew their costumes would end up costing me a fortune. So, I thought, why not Catra? I wouldn't need a wig, and you all know I love red. Plus, I had never really been a villain, and I wanted to see what it was like.
One of the members of the group was Dokudel, who I hadn't hired before, but whose costumes I was familiar with because of her submissions to Sailor Moon Avatars. We would wait to see the rules, of course, but generally speaking, as long as one of the people in the group was the seamstress, a commissioned costume is okay, since her work would be being judged, I'd just be modeling it. And over the course of the summer of 2014, she worked on it--making a gorgeous headpiece, sailor collar, cape, minidress, gauntlets, and belt. The boots are Wonder Woman boots from BuyCostumes.com that I cut the gold trim off of--finding boots with the "v" shape in the front ended up being surprisingly difficult; if I had needed them in any other color than red (or gold) I would have been out of luck.
And after all that? The East Coast let Power-Con down; the organizers only made about 28% of what they would need to raise just to break *even*, and Power-Con was canceled. Oh, well. I had wanted a new costume for New York Comic Con, and had had trouble figuring out what I should be; Catra would just have to debut there solo. I still had fun--even if 95% of the attendees thought I was the Scarlet Witch. |
CGs and Fanart