"Inuyasha, you and I were fated never to meet again."
Made by: Authentic Japanese kimono and hakama, temporarily modified by me
Appeared: Nan Desu Kan 2010
Status: Active |
Yes ladies, you too can turn Hino Rei's miko robes into Kikyo's miko robes for just pennies a day!
All right, cheesey introduction over, this costume came about because Patti and Steph wanted to do Sesshomaru and InuYasha respectively, and I was on a "I want to cosplay EVERYTHING with you!" high, and I realized that the only real difference between Rei's robes and Kikyo's robes were Kikyo had the slits in her sleeves, red ribbon in her cuffs, and the sides of her hakama had cutaways to show the white kimono underneath. My hakama has the same cutouts already, and while I wasn't willing to slit the sleeves of my kimono for a one-time costume, I asked on LiveJournal to see if anyone had any ideas about how to fake the appearance of ribbon the cuffs without damaging the kimono. Answer: double-sided tape.
So, Saturday night at NDK, Patti cut out lengths of red ribbon while I tore off pieces of double-sided tape, and I placed them as evenly as I could along the cuffs of my sleeves. Steph cut me a length of red cord to tie around my neck, and Patti tied a piece of bias tape around my hair and bent the ends so that they stood up. The girls also bought me a toy bow and arrow set at the local Walmart, and Patti made me a quiver, complete with embroidery going down the shoulder strap. All right, so it's not the fanciest version of the costume ever done, but people knew who I was! (It helped that I was walking around with Patti as Sesshomaru and Steph as Inuyasha, I'm sure.) And while the double-sided tape ended up not working so well and I was losing pieces of ribbon all night, we turned it into a fun game--"Found one!"
That being said, if I do this costume again, I'll hire Patti and Steph to make me a kimono robe with the split sleeves and sewn in ribbon. |
Nan Desu Kan 2010
CGs and Fanart