Tomoyo and Sakura Kitty Costumes

"I am pleased when I see you wear my creations, Sakura, you are so pretty and perfect!"

Tomoyo Daidouji and Sakura Kinomoto

Card Captor Sakura

Made by: Oshidori - Summer 2006

Appeared: AnimeNEXT 2007

Status: Active

"OMG you should soooo be Tomoyo! That'd be soooo cool. LOL too bad I'm not there to be a kitty-costumed Sakura. That'd be fun." - Skye, August 2003

"I think you'd make a great Sakura, especially with your new haircut. You know what costume I'd love to do with you? This one: (Link to image.) To be fair, I'd still make a better Tomoyo, because I'm the one who's always making you dress in weird outfits and photographing you, lol." - Crissy, August 2003

(Working on Louis's Zell costume): "Sewing a costume is...interesting...Even though I kind of suck at it, making a costume Even if I'm not starting from scratch. It makes me want to try another one, a little more well thought out. How about it, Skye? If I make us those matching kitty Card Captor Sakura costumes, would you wear it for at least one pic? (We live too far apart to go to cons together...for now. I'm seriously asking. Those look like they'd be a lot of fun to do and wear.)" - Crissy, August 2003

"I have a TON of projects lined up in my mind...So, first is the kitty Tomoyo and Sakura costumes that I want to make myself (by modifying bought clothing). But I doubt that I'll wear that to an actual con, because 1) it really needs both of us together to make sense, and that'd be hard considering she lives in California, and 2) even if we did wear it out together, it's a rather obscure, manga-only outfit that like NO one would recognize. So we'll probably just wear it for photo and CG cosplay fun." - Crissy, September 2003

Well, as you can see, I never did get good enough to make my own costumes, even from existing clothing, so I commissioned Oshidori (who makes the CUTEST Lolita outfits I've ever seen) to make matching costumes for me and Skye, including the little winged heart, and Skye found jazz shoes online (which were incredibly comfortable, I can't recommend them enough) for us to wear.



Photo by Oshidori

Oshidori's MySpace

Photo by Carrie

Carrie's Cosplay Site

Photo by DJ Ranma S


CGs and Fanart


Made by Jess

Pepper Art