Maki - miko
"Are we really going to be any help at a shrine, though?"
Maki - miko
Love Live! School Idol Festival (game)
Made by: Authentic Japanese kimono and hakama
Appeared: Nan Desu Kan 2016
Status: Active |
This outfit was SUCH a good investment. First Rei, then Kikyo, now Maki.
Patti and Steph suckered me into Love Live!, the first new anime I've watched all the way through in at least five years. (It helped that it was available for free on Hulu, back when Hulu was still free.) Anyone who has ever done any performing arts should watch Love Live!; the amount of work the girls put in behind the scenes was very nostalgic for me. Plus, it's hard for a cosplayer not to love a series where the characters get a new, adorable costume at least every other episode. Each girl gets a chance to shine, too; while Honoka is mostly the main chararacter, the rest of them have their own well-developed personalities, with little quirks and foibles. There was no one girl that really spoke to me (though Honoka was close), but being the piano player among my friends (even if I rarely touch it anymore) initially drew me to Maki. When she offered (well, sort of) her large country vacation home to all of her (well, sort of) friends, that sealed the deal--I spend a good deal of my time trying to get people to vacation on my dime in the Adirondacks.
When we were kicking around ideas for NDK, I believe it was Patti who suggested we all do shrine maidens; she'd need to make miko robes eventually no matter what, since she's our Nozomi, and of course she knew I had mine from our Inuyasha group (and because I'm Rei.) Patti had bought a Maki wig for another girl who had toyed with the idea of cosplaying as her, so I traded the her the Kotori wig I had bought (we had discussed doing Snow Halation the year before--and still may in the future, but I'll cross that bridge when we come to it) for that one. I had violet contacts from my Rei costumes, of course. I didn't bother with the ponytail or the red collar, but when I saw a rubber charm of her dressed as a miko holding a red fan, I brought the red matsuri fan Doc had given me at Otakon along. As usual, I brought along The Book of Kimono to help me get dressed...and as usual, I don't think I got the sash at the waist *quite* right, but, hey, it looked good.
Nan Desu Kan 2016
CGs and Fanart