Mia Fey
"We never really know if our clients are guilty or innocent. All we can do is believe in them. And in order to believe in them, you have to believe in yourself."
Mia Fey
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Modified by: Patti & Steph
Appeared: Otakon 2018, New York Comic Con 2022
Status: Active |
I had mentioned to Eric at an earlier gathering--possibly Lady Terentia's Lolita birthday tea, I forget which now--that he was such a good sport to go along with all of our silly costume groups, and that if there was ever one he wanted to do, I'd automatically be in. So in October of 2017, Eric messaged me to let me know that he had started playing the Phoenix Wright games, and that he and Annalee and Teren had been watching "Let's Play"s of them on YouTube, and they were planning a Phoenix Wright group with him as Phoenix, Annalee as Edgeworth (two married people shouting "Objection!" at each other has to be a magnificent stress reliever), and Teren as Maya Fey. I've always kind of wanted to cosplay Trucy Wright, but only if I could convince my father to cosplay a spoiler-y related character with me. Since Dad will probably never cosplay, and since none of the rest had gotten that far in the series, *and* because I always prefer to use my real hair if I can get away with it, I decided to be Maya's older sister and Phoenix's mentor, Mia.
Patti and Steph were making Teren's accessories for her, and since I wanted my magatama to match hers, I asked if they could make me one as well. I bought a ready-made costume off of eBay, but when it arrived, it was such poor quality (it looked almost nothing like the picture, was wide enough to fit two of me, and short enough that even without raising my arms the dress showed my, um, bathing suit areas) that I was able to get a refund. Steph thought she might be able to do something with it, so I sent it out to them. They turned my dress into a suit jacket, attached the belt to the hem, and made me a skirt, scarf, and earrings from scratch. I found a really good bustier on Forever 21, and Teren found me the perfect shoes (they're so cute, I'm planning on wearing them to work) on TBDress. Patti had also made me a badge, but Eric had made himself one using a 3D printer, so he made me one so I could match him, too.
CGs and Fanart