New York Comic Con 2022

October 6 - 7

Day One

Mia Fey

For reasons entirely unrelated to the convention itself, NYCC 2022 was pretty much a complete disaster for me. Despite buying a four day badge, I only ended up attending Thursday, and about two hours on Friday. So there aren't very many pictures, and I don't have the heart to try to type up a long con report--nor would there be that much to report on. But, I did want to share the few pictures I did take, especially of the few friends I did see.

Star Trek peeps
Dr. Horrible
A better shot
Scarlet Witch and Vision
That is the shortest I have ever seen that line
What if you set up a gaming area, and no one used it?
Sailor Jupiter
Seriously pretty deserted
Captain Carter
A great Fantastic Four group
Inside the Marvel Snap game booth
Persephone and Hera from Lore Olympus
Niobe from Niobe: She Is Death
Seb (founder of Stranger Things comics) and Pete
Mike and Artiga
Me with some of my Staten Island boys
Me and David
Statue of Darkwing Duck (I took this photo mainly for Arlette)
Me and Age