Otakon 2004
July 30 - August 1
All right, here's the deal. I went to Otakon 2004 all three days, but I had no way of recording what happened each day at night, and then when I got home, I got so busy with work and real life stuff that I never got around to writing up a full con report, and as time went by, I obviously forgot what all I did all three days. I know I had a ball spending time with old friends, and meeting new ones, and that I was blown away by the talented cosplayers I saw there, and the dealer's room was everything my little heart could desire. But I'm not going to be able to do an in-depth con report like I have for previous cons (and, indeed, this one is a year late), so I'm going to have to be content with putting up the pictures I took, and writing little captions for them that might bring back some Otakon memories. |
Day Three
Emma Emmerich

Louis as Otacon from Metal Gear Solid |
As Louis put it, he wanted to cosplay Otacon for his first Otakon. |
Misty from Pokemon. |

Me as Emma Emmerich from Metal Gear Solid 2 |
An unknown Anthy and Utena, and Kellie as French Aristocrat Anthy with a French Aristocrate Utena. |
Lou, Usagi Seion, me, and JenyBean. |