Otakon 2014
August 8 - August 10
Day Two
Hino Rei - Green Outfit, Umi Ryuzaki - First Armor, Princess Mars - Version 2
Saturday morning I woke up bright and early before my other roommates, and slipped downstairs for breakfast. Whenever I had stayed at the Marriott (Outer Power) Inner Harbor before, Louis and I had always gotten room service, so this was my first time checking out their lobby restaurant, and I have to admit, I wasn't impressed. The DoubleTree in Somerset had more variety! Still, breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and with the sheer amount of time I'd be spending being social, I needed my quiet time with my book more than ever. Afterwards, I headed up to our hotel room, dressed as quietly as possible, and ran out the door in order to get to the third floor terrace by 9 AM. Once I got there, I was greeted by Terry, who had come up to see if Otakon had any chance of beating the record set by Anime Expo in July for the largest gathering of Sailor Moon cosplayers in the U.S. In order to get an accurate count, the organizers had the cosplayers line up inside, and let the photographers and spectators out on the terrace first, and then had us file out through the door. Let me just say...walking through a path thronged by people on either side, flashes going off in literally every direction...I'll probably never know for certain, but I suspect that's what walking the red carpet feels like. It was absolutely amazing. Regrettably, we didn't even come close to breaking the West Coast's record, but just being part of the hype surrounding the new Sailor Moon anime, and meeting SO many other Sailor Moon cosplayers at once, was an absolute thrill!
George and Yukari from Paradise Kiss |
While the photoshoot was going on, the girls of Outer Power, Inner Beauty, and Kitty and Lyra, arrived in time to get in on some of the "character groups"--Lyra was an INSTANT hit as the most adorable Chibiusa around. Afterwards, we trooped back down to the entrance on Charles Street to meet up with Dave and our other members to do our full group Sailor Moon photoshoot. There were a lot of variables that ended up popping up: this was the first time any of us (well, aside from Kitty, obviously) had ever "worked" with a cosplayer quite this young, so rather than grinding through the shots in our usual way, we made sure to break them up so that Lyra would always have a chance to rest, and play, with one of the adults. Secondly, almost all of our "extended" members ran into difficulties of their own, and so we started shooting without them. Thankfully, almost all of them ended up turning up sooner or later--there was so much going on, but I really appreciate you guys doing your best to come through! We did get some gorgeous pictures, but more than that, we had a ton of fun, which is really the main point. As soon as the shoot wrapped, Avian Firefly, Aki Reinii, Lady Terentia and I hurried over to Hall A in order to get in line for the official Sailor Moon panel. |
Aki Reinii playing with Lyra! |
Sailor Moon Panel
The schedule for Viz's official Sailor Moon panel. |
The anticipation is mounting! |
Just look at the size of the crowd! |
Avian Firefly and Reinii are ready! |
Free swag! |
Lady Terentia and I are ready, too! |
Sailor Moon Stamp Rally
Words cannot convey to you how excited we were about this stamp rally--it was like being on a scavenger hunt, and trick-or-treating without an adult for the first time, all in one! |
The Jupiter stamp was at the official Otakon merchandise booth in the Dealer's Room. |
You actually had to find Sailor Mercury to get her stamp, and she asked us a math question! |
The Sailor Venus stamp was in the Artist's Alley. |
Finding Sailor Mars was way harder than we thought it would be--I assumed I would have a preternatural sense of where she'd be. (I'm kidding, of course. Mostly.) |
Back to the Viz merchandise booth to get the final stamp from Sailor Moon! |

And the prize for this stamp rally? |
A limited edition, Sailor Moon coin! |
We're aware that we're a little corny. But really, I can't tell you how much fun we had, and how happy it made us to do this together. |
As you can see, most of the day was pretty much dedicated to Sailor Moon--which was really only right and proper, considering that most of us met each other through the fandom. The Sailor Moon panel was fun, but we ended up not staying for the whole thing, because it was focused more on the rerelease of the original series, and they debuted the dub, which...while it has its place in history (after all, most of us were dub fans first!), we weren't that interested in. Plus, we figured that if most of the Sailor Moon fans at Otakon were in the panel, this would be the perfect time for us to attempt the stamp rally! So we rocketed around the Dealer's Room and the Artist's Alley like unsupervised hyperactive manic children, and basically had the time of our lives. And got the Sailor Moon coin we all so desperately coveted. |
Running into Baltimore Lauren in the Dealer's Room! |
After the physical and emotional exertions of the morning, and since it was around 2 o'clock, we agreed we all needed a bit of a break, and that we would split up, grab some lunch, and get ready for our afternoon costumes from Magic Knight Rayearth. I passed by the Subway on Pratt Street on my way back to my hotel, but honestly, the line for sandwiches looked about as long as the line to get into the Sailor Moon panel. I really didn't have *that* much time. Besides, I had had a big breakfast. (Which I did on purpose--especially at conventions, you're rarely 100% sure of when your next meal would be.)
Running into AeonisPi outside of the Dealer's Room! |
I got back to my hotel room, changed out of my morning "costume" (honestly, it's just regular clothes, which, while making me almost invisible in a crowd of cosplayers, had the benefit of being AMAZINGLY comfortable), and into the base costume for Umi Ryuzaki, which involved taking out my violet colored contacts for Rei, and popping in my blue contacts, and then trying to change my eyeshadow, eyeliner, and lipstick, without having to redo my entire face. It was about this time that my eyes started bothering me a bit, but I really didn't think much of it, you know? I've always known that cosplaying at conventions takes a little bit of a toll on your physical appearance if not your actual health, it's just part of the price you pay, and totally worth it. Wig on, all done, time to go! Since I was the odd man out, I agreed to meet the girls at their hotel room so I could get the rest of my costume (we were still working on them!) and head out together. |
Have I mentioned I love Terry Bogard? |
As the girls weren't quite ready yet, I took advantage of the quiet room and the beautiful sunshine streaming in through the window to rest a bit. To be fair, I wasn't really ready yet, either: while I had the base of my costume on (since it's just the girls' school uniform, which I had already), I had paid the girls to make the armor and weapons for me. I had bought boots on my own, but as I mention in more detail on Umi Ryuzaki - First Armor, they extended way too far up my leg. Avi had told me not to worry about it and just bring it along, and as I watched, she showed me how to just cut the top of the boot off, cut the zipper to the desired height, and use a drop of hot glue to create a new stopper for it. It seems so simple once you know, but I know there's no way I would have figured that out on my own! At *best*, I would have thought of stuffing the zipper into the boot, but really, that would have been terribly uncomfortable--the boots were super tight to begin with!
Avi working on my boots |
We had agreed to shoot with Dave at 3:30, and since it was getting close to being that time, and we knew he had a full schedule (he had another shoot scheduled at 5), plus to be honest the boots we (especially I) were wearing were uncomfortable, and how many layers our costumes had...well, we really couldn't see walking to the convention center in costume. It was far, and it was hot. Luckily, Dave is used to adapting on the fly, so he agreed to come back to the hotel, and try to find a suitable location to shoot on the hotel grounds. Fortunately the little island that serves as a median for the car lanes approaching the entrance had a lovely little garden area, so we were able to pose there. The hotel staff were SO nice, the doorman even stopped traffic whenever we were trying to totter across in our high heels! And that meant that whoever wasn't working with Dave at that moment could pop back into the lobby for a bit of air conditioning to cool off. It's maybe not the most elaborate photoshoot we've ever conducted, but as far as I'm concerned, the Fuu x Ferio pictures we got out of it make it more than worthwhile. |
Cephiro Selfie! |
After we were done shooting, Aki Reinii went off to the convention center to actually do a bit of con stuff (because as much fun as we were having, at points it *did* feel like all we were doing was running from one photoshoot to another, and not getting to do a lot of Otakon-related things), and the rest of us traipsed back upstairs to the hotel room, both so the girls could get out of their costumes, and so I could stash the weapon Reinii had made for me, since I would not be bringing it home. I sat down for a few more minutes to catch my breath, and then headed back to my hotel room to change AGAIN--three costumes in one day, setting another new record for me! (Also, the amount of time I spent in Umi's costume shattered the previous day's record for "least time spent in a costume at a con". And made a new record for "wearing a costume to a convention and not even making it to the convention center". So many firsts this year!)
So, back in the hotel room again. I stripped out of Umi's costume--I have a new appreciation for you men who have to sweat through summer events in a sports coat and dress shirt, I had no idea--rested a bit, and went to take out the blue contacts and put the violet ones back in for Princess Mars. Now my eyes were REALLY protesting--I generally wear my regular contacts for months at a time without changing them, so I don't often poke myself in the eye QUITE that many times. Sure, they were red, but I figured, that'll go away, right? I wiped off some of the Umi makeup, and put on new Princess Mars makeup. I let my hair down from under the wig cap, brushed it out, and went to get into costume...only to realize I had forgotten to bring a strapless bra. Expletive. Well, you never remember everything (although I flatter myself that I'm usually pretty good about that), and while I wouldn't *quite* have the silhouette I desired, it wasn't an absolutely essential costume piece. |
Mario Rob as the spy from Team Fortress 2 |
I had forgotten that my Princess Mars costume is nigh impossible to get into myself, however. Due to my...unique measurements, when Beverly Faerie created the new version of my gown, she designed the back to lace up like a corset (complete with modesty panel) so that I could let it out or take it in as necessary. Which is brilliant, and works perfectly...but have you ever tried to lace yourself into a corset? (Well, I'm sure some of you have.) And it's much longer; since it's a full length gown, the lacing starts at the middle of my butt, and reaches all the way to the top. Simply put, there is absolutely NO way to lace it up by yourself while wearing it. I struggled with it for a long time before I finally reached out to a few people, intending on accepting help from whoever got back to me first. After all, I had promised to meet Usa and Dave for pictures at 6!
Avi is easily distracted by shiny things, even her own hair |
Mario Rob was the first to answer my call for help, and as I hadn't seen him yet that weekend, it ended up working out for the best. He was able to lace me into my dress (and reassure me that I looked fine), and we spent some time talking about how his con weekend was going...I'm not one to tell tales out of school, and I admit I'm more than a little bit biased when it comes to my "adopted son", but he was not having as good a time as he deserved, and I felt just terrible. He felt a little bit better after getting to vent, however, and agreed to walk with me to the convention to meet Dave and Usa, so we could spend a little bit more time together, and so he could see some of the other girls. (Avi had had enough of being in constricting costumes, and was now bouncing around the con in some of her more comfortable "fun" wear.) |
Hanging out in Baltimore! |
Mario Rob and I met up with Dave and Avi at the bottom of the escalators that lead to the indoor fountains, and waited for Usa, who was running a bit late. I didn't mind *too* much, because it finally gave me time to admire some of the cosplayers at the convention--I felt like I had hardly taken any photos! (And I was right!) But, there were almost no characters I recognized. That's one of the problems with getting older; it's nearly impossible stay "current", both because you're predisposed to prefer what you grew up with (hence my predilection for Sailor Moon, Utena, and Card Captor Sakura), and because you don't have the free time to dedicate to keeping up with new series. Oh, I enjoy good craftsmanship no matter whether I recognize the character or not, of course, but even the best World of Warcraft costume with moving parts is just not going to evoke the same visceral reaction from me that even the simplest Sailor Moon will. Well, to each their own, of course.
Doc and I at dinner |
Usa and Diego met us before too long, and although we had initially considered shooting by the indoor fountains, as we had at the first Otakon we had both attended ten years before, but the area was far too crowded, so we decided to take a walk to the outdoor fountains and shoot there. As I mention on the Sailor Moon Princesses: A Blast From The Past photoshoot page, this shoot had an extra special meaning for me; Usa and I had worn our princess dresses for the first time together at Otakon 2004. We've both been through an awful lot--changes in significant others, changes in employment, changes in residence. So much. We've had our ups and downs, and of course, time and distance means that we don't get to be quite as close as we'd like or as we used to be, but honestly? After spending this weekend with her, I realized Usa's one of those people that you can not see for years, and then as soon as you get together, it's like no time has passed at all. I have a lot of friends who cosplay Sailor Moon, and they're all quite good, and they're all special to me, of course--but Usa's in a class by herself. Sitting with her and gazing out into the water of the fountains, I felt that old familiar magic creep over me. It's something else. You'd have to experience it because I can't really describe it. |
The view of the harbor at night |
Despite our obvious enjoyment, we scrambled to finish the photoshoot by 6:30, as I had asked Terry to meet me for dinner at 7. Terry ended up running a little late (until you have helped staff at a convention, you have NO IDEA how much work goes on behind the scenes, which is why I always counsel people to be more than a little patient when it comes to errors and glitches and snafus--they really are doing the best that they can!), so I had a little more time to just relax and chat with Avi and Mario Rob. It turned out that the restaurant Terry had picked for us was in the direction of the outdoor fountains, so I waited there with them until he joined me. I was *so* glad I had chosen to wear flat shoes under my princess gown, because really, even if the restaurant had only been one block over, by that point my feet would have been absolutely swollen!
Beware the B'more nightlife! |
Dinner at Ruth Chris's with Terry was excellent . Part of it was the food, of course--I am the first to admit I'm not a foodie, so perhaps I didn't enjoy it on the same level that a, you know, normal person would, but even I could tell you it was VERY good. I remember telling our waiter that I wanted to marry the mushrooms. (No, seriously, you guys--those mushrooms. My eyes are rolling back in my head a little bit right now. Those mushrooms.) Part of it was the service--I don't know if they're just naturally friendly, or if it's part of Baltimore's sudden appreciation for Otakon attendees, or if Terry pretended to be yakuza when he made the reservation, or slipped the maître d' a hundred, or what, but we had *the* most excellent service. (In addition, in the course of conversation with our waiter, we found out he was a bit player in House of Cards! I have to remember to try to find the episode he was in!) And, admittedly, part of it was FINALLY getting to slow down and relax for a little bit--I had no more costume changes for the night, no more shoots planned, no more panels or con events to attend; the only thing left on my schedule was dessert with my friends, and that wouldn't be for hours. But, really, it was also the company. I had had a private dinner with Terry at Otakon 2008, and this one was even better. I'm hoping it's the beginning of a tradition that will last a long time to come. |
Really great live music at Phillips Seafood |
We finished dinner well before I was due to meet my friends, but rather than return to the hubbub of the convention center, only for me to have to come back to the Inner Harbor anyway, we decided to take a lazy stroll to Phillips Seafood together, both so we could continue talking, and so I wouldn't get lost. (Terry knows the area of downtown Baltimore FAR better than I do.) The lights of the restaurants reflecting on the water was truly beautiful; while I have had good experiences in Washington D.C. and I've been assured the move is for the best, I can't help but feel I will sorely miss Baltimore once it comes time to leave it for good. Terry and I had a great time talking about what was going on in our lives--though we keep in touch through text and e-mail throughout the year, and make it a point to meet up a few times, this was really so leisurely that it was incredibly restorative. I felt better by the time we got to Phillips than I had all weekend, and since it was still earlier than my group's reservation, we decided to sidle up to the bar and have ourselves a few drinks while we waited.
What Chris would look like with long brown hair! |
We had so much fun! I ordered a small Tia Maria, a coffee liqueur meant as an after dinner drink, and Terry ordered...something fresh and fruity, I forget what, but I remember we teased each other for swapping gender roles when it came to drink preferences. There were two live musicians playing music seated at a table not far from us, and I was delighted to recognize most of the songs they played--and surprised that Terry knew most of them as well! You just don't run into too many people who truly appreciate '60s music these days, you know? |
Happy Birthday Chris! |
Dinner Selfies!
Mouseketeer role call! David! |
Lady Terentia! |
Our waiter! |
Annalee! |
Avian Firefly! |
Lyra! |
Kitty! |
Chris! |
By 9 o'clock the rest of my group had arrived, and Terry said goodbye and headed off to keep other promises of his own. We got a nice big table in the back of the restaurant, and I contented myself with ordering dessert (seriously, not that I had room after that dinner at Ruth Chris, but, you know, you can usually talk *some*one into sharing dessert with you). It was my first time meeting Lady Terentia's friend Annalee, although Teren talks about her enough that I felt like I knew her already, and I had met her husband Eric at our group dinner on Saturday of Otakon 2011. Our waiter was incredibly nice and funny, and I remember joking back and forth with him, although at this point, I can't remember about what. But all the while my eyes were bothering me more, and more, and more, until suddenly Annalee, who was sitting directly across from me, looked at me and said, "Are you okay? You have angry-eyes." Then she kind of looked horrified, and she apologized, saying that she didn't mean that *I* looked angry, but that it looked like my eyes were angry at *me*, and that she's used to talking to her kids (she's the mother of two adorable boys), but see the thing is, I kind of *am* a kid, and knew exactly what she meant when she said it, and...yeah. She was right. And hearing it come from a "mom"-type figure, I really was starting to get concerned.
View from one end of the table... |
There was one major thing to take care of before I could leave, though: Chris's birthday surprise! Chris's birthday is August 10th, so we waited until midnight, and had the waiter bring out his dessert with a candle in it! All of the us, and the waiter, and I could've sworn even a few other patrons, sang Chris "Happy Birthday" as he blew out his candle. I hope he made a good wish. :) After we had finished all of our food and divvied up our check, we started back to our hotels together. Lyra had started to get tired by this point (she was such a little trooper; I wouldn't have made it past 8 PM at her age!), so Avi and I took turns carrying her back, until the girls and Chris and Dave turned towards their hotel, and then Kitty and I carried her the rest of the way back to ours, until we could get her in bed. |
.view from the other. |
I was more than ready for bed myself, so I grabbed the bathroom, got out of my dress, took out my contacts (ahhh, relief, finally!), washed off my makeup...and green gook came out of the corners of my eyes. GREEN. That is not ever a color that should come out of your eyeballs. Ever. I was horrified, but what could I do? I hoped that a thorough cleaning and a good night's sleep would help, at least a little. I climbed into bed next to Kitty, and after a few minutes Usa and Diego came back as well, so we all fell asleep in record time. We were all exhausted!
Our Saturday night dinner group |
Sailor Moon Photos
The four generals of the Dark Kingdom |
Joined by Queen Beryl |
Another shot of the Dark Kingdom group |
And another |
Wiseman |
Another shot of Wiseman |
Tiger's Eye and Fisheye |
Another shot of Tiger's Eye and Fisheye |
Sailor Mars! |
This was the official Sailor Mars cosplayer chosen by Viz |
Umino! |
Naru-chan! |
Motoki-onisan! |
Michiru in her white rose dress from the artbook |
Sailor Mercury |
The Sailor Mercury group shot! |
More of the Mercury group |
The Sailor Mars group shot! |
I didn't position myself in the middle because I need to be the center of attention... |
more because I was SO excited that I ran out there right away. |
Okay granted I also thought the green would look less jarring if it wasn't off-center. |
Luna and Artemis! |
The small (no pun intended) Sailor Chibimoon group! |
The whole group! |
More Photos
The woman who gave us the Sailor Jupiter stamp |
Avi, this is why we can't have nice things. |
The woman who gave us the Sailor Venus stamp |
Our coins! |
must resist the urge to make the obvious joke... |
My first attempt at donating hair to Chris did not photograph well. |
Waiter blink |
Our dinner group. |
More Photos (not taken by me)
At the Moon Panel |
Costumed selfie! |
Me and Chris |
Last dinner in Baltimore |
From Dave's camera |
Another group shot |
Our waiter was so nice to take these for us! |