Otakon 2019
July 26 - 28
Day Three
Saki Hanajima
Sunday morning! I don't know how people who go to room parties function on Sunday--granted way fewer people cosplay, and not everyone is insane enough to drive home the way I do, but still. I'm never so glad to be a perpetually old person (seriously I wasn't going to room parties even when I was in my 20s) as I am on Sunday morning. I was able to wake up, eat, and do my makeup with only a token amount of whining. Thankfully my last costume of the weekend let me use my own hair, my natural eye color, and relatively minimal makeup. I packed my things, checked out of the room, and asked the hotel to store my bags as per usual.
I had plans to meet and shoot with OPIB in the morning, but since I was the first one up and about again, I decided to take a last turn through the Dealer's Room and see if I could score any last minute sales. I didn't end up buying myself anything, but I did run into my friend Gio and his friend Fwee! It's a crying shame (and 99% my own fault) that Gio and I live in the same city but only ever seem to run into each other at cons, but I'm always glad to see him. And I was glad to get a chance to talk to Fwee--I've met him before, but almost always when he's been cosplaying with Gio and their boys, so they're always mobbed by photographers. |
Love Live cosplayers doing one of the dances--I had to make a gif. |
We spent so much time talking that by this time it was getting close to my photoshoot, so I said goodbye to Gio and Fwee and made me way back through the convention to the Marriott Marquis, as the girls had agreed to meet in the lobby. By the time I got there they were all there--Reinii, Avi, and Teren were reprising their roles as Tohru, Yuki, and Kisa respectively, but this time we were also being joined by Annalee as Arisa Uotani and Alyce as Momiji. I loved cosplaying with all of them, but I was super happy to be able to take pictures with both an Uo-chan and a Tohru-chan. (Someday I'd love to have an entire Sohma clan!)
Vil had agreed to take pictures for us, but honestly I think we were all too tired to go very far or try anything very ambitious. Fortunately as I have said the Marriott lobby has a lot of very pretty spots, so after we took our group photos on the couch (no really, we *were* that tired), Vil took us one by one to a nearby hallway to get some solo shots. She got some beautiful pictures--in fact I was able to change my first "matching photo" on the costume page for the first time since 2011. |
Gio and me |
After our shoot, there was only one thing left on our Must Do schedule: the Otakon Break-In Room! Once again Serge was helping to staff it, which is one of the reasons why we were interested, but honestly our group had so much fun doing it last year that of course we were going to try again. And once again it was up to us to save Closing Ceremonies. Last year were were the only group that solved it without asking for a single hint, and in the fastest time, could we do it again this year?
Eric Maruscak working on the 10th Chalk Art mural |
Ha ha ha NOPE! In our defense, we learned later that only *one* group in the entire *weekend* managed to solve all of the puzzles, so they really were hard. I have an excuse for floundering--in the beginning we did all right (find batteries in hallowed out books and all that jazz) but once it came to figuring out really weird patterns...no, we were completely lost. But, in Otakon's defense, it's a really hard line to walk: if the game is too easy, you don't feel a sense of satisfaction when you win. If it's too hard, if you can't even get *close*, then you don't have any fun trying. Now, the fact that one group solved it means that it wasn't too hard, at least for some people. I don't know. I'm certainly going to try again next year if they do it again.
Dr. Strange and his Cloak of Levitation |
Before we all rolled out, we decided to have one last lunch together, so we trekked over to Point Chaud Cafe & Crepes. I'm normally not a huge fan of crepes but the savory ones were amazing! Enough to make me want to go back to a sweet one! And it was nice to have time to sit and talk about non-anime things, everything from upcoming moves to Lil Nas X. But, all good things come to an end, and I had a long drive in front of me, so before long I had to go back to the hotel, get my car, load up, and roll out.
Tamaki from Ouran High School Host Club |
So, first the few downsides of Otakon (none of which are the convention's fault): I couldn't figure a way to weave it into the narrative here, but I had a REALLY strong allergic reaction to...something? I don't know? It was worst in the Break-In Room, and got better when I went outside, so I ended up having to go outside every so often (especially on Sunday) just to stop sneezing and having itchy eyes. I really don't know what caused it. I'm sorry we didn't go, as a group, to get our photos taken in the Otakon photosuite--call me vain but I really think our Avengers group might have made it into the pamphlet next year. It's so funny how my friends and I do very little "con stuff" like attend panels and whatnot--we really just spend time walking around together in costume. Which, theoretically, we could do outside of a convention, but then I wouldn't get to take all of these awesome pictures.
This person stood in this spot and did this ALL. FRIGGEN. WEEKEND. Amazeballs. |
Upsides? Exactly that. I love that I get to see my friends--even though we have gotten a *lot* better about getting together to hang out outside of conventions, whether it's birthdays, Ren Faires, or events that mix both holidays and costuming. But I also love when people squee over my costumes. I really love fangirling over other people's costumes. I like playing nonsensical games. I love when one of my groups of friends gets to meet another group for the first time, or even the fifth time. I love meeting new people who are obsessed with the same things I am obsessed with. |
Syaoran and Sakura from Tsubasa: Resevoir Chronicle |
To sum it all up, here are my final thoughts about Otakon 2019. Despite the fact that I had pre-registered and booked the room well in advance, there had been, at least internally, some doubt about me actually going--as I mentioned previously, 2019 had been a bad mental health year for me, worse than any year previous, and I had canceled other long-term, expensive, and much looked-forward-to plans in the spring. By summer, thanks almost entirely to the untiring love of my friends (especially Lady Terentia), I was doing better--I won't say "well", but functional enough to make the trip down, get dressed, and go to the convention every day. Some of being there was a bit much for me, primarily Saturday morning. But everyone was incredibly patient and supportive, and honestly the depression I would have gone through if I hadn't managed to make it there might have killed me. I'm glad I went. And I am going to do my best to make sure I go again next year.
Reinii's done |
More Photos
I was so excited that the first cosplayer I saw was from Fruits Basket! |
I <3 Gio |
I mean look at that smile |
This man is an inspiration |
And also adorable |
Yay I made a new friend! |
After all the cloak possesses a will of its own |
Dr. Strange is pretty nift too. |
He can protect my reality anytime. |
More Photos (not by me)
Look at this beautiful boy |