Otakon 2021
August 6 - 8
Day Three
Utena - Soccer Uniform
I knew Sunday was going to be a pretty chill day; Sundays are, generally, and at a slightly-lower-attendance con it was even more likely to be. And, *most* importantly (to me), it was going to be a comfy costume day! I did the usual, got up, headed down to the hotel restaurant for breakfast, and went back to my room to get dressed and get packed. The Henley Park Hotel is great about letting you check your bags, so you can check-out in time, but still not feel rushed to leave. That being done, I headed back to the con. My first order of business was to find the Embassy of Japan booth, where there was an authentic Olympic torch that was used in the 2020 games! You couldn't touch the torch, of course, but the kind people working the booth were more than happy to take your picture with it. This might be the first and last "sports" costume I ever wear, but what a time to wear it!
Belle from Beauty and the Beast
Next I met up with Lunar and Owen, and we took one last tour through the video game room. I convinced Owen to try Just Dance with me, thinking if we did some sort of tango thing it wouldn't be too bad, but we were beyond lost, and when the "choreography" called me for me jump into his arms, we hastily decamped! Maybe once upon a time I wouldn't have thought twice before throwing myself into the arms of a man I had just met, but that was many years and pounds ago! Instead, we decided to do a bit of Sunday shopping--I had barely bought anything all weekend! My first order of business was buying souvenirs for my extended OPIB girls, which is my favorite shopping to do of all. But I was also tempted by Sailor Meow (who I learned for the first time today has an actual physical location--in Brooklyn of all places! I see a road trip in my future) who always has the most beautiful hair accessories, maonng other things. I knew one of the things there would be perfect for the pink crystal yukata I bought back in 2020 that is still waiting for a Sakura Matsuri debut, but I couldn't bring up a picture of the pattern and I wanted to make sure whatever I bought really matched, so instead I decided to treat myself to the first "blind prize box" purchase of my life. It...wasn't great, I guess they make those prize boxes out of whatever hasn't sold. But I did get a really cute mask and some candies that Lunar liked, so it wasn't all bad. |
Time for Sunday Selfies! |
Soon after Reinii (who had had such a good time on Saturday she decided to come back on Sunday) and Lauren and Stevie joined us, and they had so much fun comparing their ITA bags that I finally, after all this time, finally caved and bought an ITA bag of my own. My theme? Otakon pins! I'm going to have an ITA bag dedicated entirely to Otakon pins, so if you know of or have any you want to sell, I'm your girl. I already have Nurse Hiroko-chan and Doctor Hiroshi-kun, as well as what might be a fanart one of Hiroshi-kun? I know I used to have a Crabby pin that was part of that set too, that used to be on my daily bookbag, but was sadly lost during one of my commutes. One of these days I might even spring for the Hard Rock Otakon pins!
Phoenix Wright from the Ace Attorney games
Reinii was also doing her own shopping and got me the most awesome pins; a beautiful kind of "mirrored" Sailor Mars fuku pin (I had had one before, the OPIB girls had a matching set, but that was another that was a casualty to my commute), and a little dialogue box that says "I {bee emoticon} {leaf emoticon} in you". ORDINARILY I don't like (detest) puns, but the fact that one of Reinii's nicknames is "Bee" and it's such a positive little pick-me-up, it's exactly what I need to stay with me every day and remind me that I am loved. |
Stevie, Aki Reinii, me, Owen, and LunarChandelure |
The great thing about Sunday is that it really is such a chill day. I wanted to meet up with Doc (who I have to remind you, was not at Otakon), and we were able to just...find some comfy chairs and sit, and talk, and wait. Sitting in a comfortable chair! At a con! Let me tell you, twenty years ago, that would have blown the average con-goers mind. Maybe I'm just getting old, but there's something to be said for the value of a really comfy chair.
Deanna Troi and William Riker from Star Trek: The Next Generation |
We knew we didn't have much time before we'd have to leave, so we decided to just go to the food court to have some lunch before saying our goodbyes. That, too, ended up being way more hilarious than it had any right to be, between sharing silly stories, Doc being utterly bemuesd by Lauren's Evangelion Tamagotchi (and you thought my Pikachu was weird--if you knew me back then), to the random pigeon that was just..inside, and giving absolutely no quarter to the humans eating around him. (Doc joked about calling con ops on the radio and letting them know there was a rogue pigeon at large...but we decided to let him be.)
Chillin' |
All too soon it was time to say goodbye and head home. Doc was most definitely not at Otakon so luckily he didn't need a ride home, so I didn't get to spend a pleasureable five-ish hours talking about anything and everything while listening to my iPod Nano on shuffle, which made the trip seem MUCH faster--or would have, if, you know, that had happened. And Doc's place in Manhattan is really not more than five minutes out of my way home anyway, so it wouldn't have been much of a detour.
Lunch |
I realize my con reports have been late before, and while it's always kind of bothered me (for someone generally so easy-going, I have a German drill instructor that lives in my head that has very firm opinions about how *I* should do things, and when), it's really a shame I didn't get this done in time this year, because I feel like people who were wondering about what it was like to return to conventions after a year of shutdown might have benefited from this. Otakon 2021 was billed as "The Con At The End Of The Rainbow" and in my opinion, it really lived up to it. Everyone who attended, be they vendor, staff, or attendee, seemed to do their damnedest to be considerate and kind, to keep everyone safe both physically and mentally. We may be living in "the new normal", but bits of the old have managed to adapt and survive.
Rinoa from Final Fantasy VIII |
Sailor Moon and Utena Photos
(e-mail me at sunseenli@aol.com if you recognize yourself!)
More Photos
Doc is amused by Lauren's virtual "angel" |
We all were |