Ravenclaw Student
"Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure."
Ravenclaw Student
Harry Potter
Robe by: Licensed costume (Universal)
Vest by: iPlayCos
Skirt by: Store bought (Land's End)
Custom wand by: Galdurwand
Appeared: New York Comic Con 2016
Status: Active |
As I mention in the last line of my NYCC 2015 report, when Alan Rickman died in January of 2016, my friend Ziggo started a Harry Potter group, with the intention of attending on the Thursday of that year, and he sent me an invite. I'm so, so rarely invited to cosplay with anyone outside of OPIB and Patti and Steph, and I'd been meaning to put together a Ravenclaw costume for ages, it just seemed like the time was right.
I decided to cosplay myself as a Ravenclaw student, rather than a pre-established character, in part because there are so few Ravenclaws that get any "screen time" in the stories. I really don't look like either Cho Chang or Padma Patil, who don't really have any identifying characteristics that I could use, and while Luna is pretty awesome (I'm of the rare camp that thinks Harry should have ended up with her, not Ginny OR Hermione)...I mean, man, don't we all want to go to Hogwarts? I didn't want to dress up as somebody else, I wanted to pretend I got to go. So I did.
I've had the sweater vest for so long that I'm not 100% sure where it comes from--I think it was a Christmas gift from iPlayCos. The same goes for the tie, which I believe is licensed, but bought off eBay ages ago. The white shirt, of course, came from the approximately three million I have left over from my Catholic high school days. I bought the robe new--I had originally bought an XXS from a buyer on Bonanza, but the hem and the sleeves were just a bit too short, so I ended up reselling it, and buying an XS from Wizarding World Orlando's online store, complete with patch. The skirt was tricky; I wanted the Prisoner of Azkaban style, because my vest is a dark charcoal gray, rather than the lighter grays of the earlier movies, but that meant I needed to find an A-line box pleated skirt instead of the regular pleats. Land's End sells a wide variety of school uniform skirts, and I managed to find one that hung almost the exact same way, that was a close enough shade to my vest that you really can't tell the difference in person. DJ Ranma S had linked a pair of Mary Jane flats he found on AliExpress to me while I was shopping for my Maki - maid costume, and while they were wrong for that outfit, they were perfect for the PoA school uniforms. Finally, I asked my soul-sister's husband to make me a custom wand; after asking me a bunch of questions, and discussing it in depth with Hime-chan, he created two wands, one that lights up but it slightly stockier, and one that doesn't but is slightly more elaborate and slender, both of which are just gorgeous beyond belief.
I debated taking this page down, as some other people I know have, those who want to make it perfectly clear that their values do NOT align with the anti-trans rhetoric the author has *repeatedly* spouted since 2020. In the end I decided not to, in part because I don't believe erasing the past can help the present or the future, but primarily because, to quote Sarah, Reference Services of the L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library, "I don't understand how someone who is capable of creating such an intricate, fantastical world can have such a limited and narrow-minded view of ours." |
New York Comic Con 2016
Lady Terentia's Harry Potter Themed 31st Birthday Party
CGs and Fanart