Sailor Mars

"Recipient of the protection of Mars, the soldier of flame and passion, Sailor Mars!"

Sailor Mars

Sailor Moon

Made by: Setsuna Kou - Summer 1999

Appeared: BAAF 2001, AnimeNEXT 2004, Otakon 2004

Status: Retired

This is how it all started. My stepfather e-mailed me a link to an eBay auction that ended before I got to see it, so I e-mailed the seller and asked where she got it. The seller was Setsuna Kou and she directed me to her website where she had it and many other costumes for sale. My mother bought it for me as a reward for getting good grades my freshman year of college.

I like this costume because it's most recognizable, I’ve never been out in it and not recognized (except when I had to wear it on the subway to BAAF 2001 and non-otaku asked if I was Wonder Woman...) It’s actually not made to my measurements, so the first few times I wore it, it was slightly loose on me, but as I've gotten older I've "grown" into it a bit more. I've worn it once to every con I've been to, so unless I go to new cons, this probably won't be seen much more.

Update! As Avian Firefly has since made me a new fuku to match the rest of Outer Power, Inner Beauty, this first version of Sailor Mars has been retired.


AnimeNEXT 2004

Photo by Anime Jam Session

Anime Jam Session

CGs and Fanart