Sailor Rei
"It didn't seem likely until now, but here are the ten of them in 'sailor' form."
Hino Rei - Sailor Suit
Sailor Moon
Made by: Store bought clothes and Avian Firefly - Summer 2012
Appeared: Otakon 2012
Status: Semi-active |
Avian Firefly and I share a simple dream--no, wait, it's an incredibly difficult and absolutely ridiculous dream: we both want to cosplay every single outfit that our chosen senshi have ever worn. The fact that I found someone else who shares my inconceivably specific neurosis is amazing enough; the fact that we can convince other people to join us to help is beyond belief. I don't think I'll ever get used to that fact, nor take it for granted. And, this costume in particular with forever hold a special place in my heart, as this marks the first time in Outer Power, Inner Beauty's history that we had a FULL group--all nine planetary senshi, and two Moons. That being said, I doubt I'll wear this much in the future, as while eleven girls running around in sailor suits is all kinds of adorable, one woman running around in a sailor suit is actually stunningly corny-looking.
All that aside, this was actually one of the easier costumes we've done. Finding the right hat to modify was really the hardest problem we had; we thought we were going to have to settle for the "Dixie" hats that American seamen wear, because no one knew the proper search term to even look for these hats, until Lady Terentia, I believe it was, realized that they were closer in design to Donald Duck's hat, than to what the Navy wears. That led us to the correct term, "Marine hats", and we found a "fancy dress" shop in the United Kingdom that sold them, and we ordered them in bulk. Avi took care of customizing the hats, and making the sailor collars with the ties attached, which we just slipped over our heads. We all bought white T-shirts (mine came from Target) and shorts (mine came from Boston Proper). Those of us who didn't already own a pair, bought white Keds for our feet, and the most work I did for this costume was coloring the details on the sides of them red. |
Otakon 2012
CGs and Fanart