Sakura Matsuri 2006

at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden

April 30

Louis ended up not being able to come with me to this event, and my own camera was dead, so I don't have any pictures of my own from this Sakura Matsuri. However, it is with great pleasure that I present the photography work of Usagi Seion!

As always, there was quite a group of people at the Gardens.
The cherry blossoms were as lovely as ever.
They were so thick, you could barely see the sky through the trees.
Which was too bad, because the sky was as clear as could be.
One of the many lovely small ponds in the gardens.
Some of the leaves look like butterflies resting on the blossoms.
The petals themselves were so thick, it was like resting your hand on a pillow.
Of course, the Gardens have many other flowers and plants, as well.
Pretty pansies!
I believe these are tulips?
More tulips.
I don't know what this one is, but it's pretty!
Real life lens flare!
The Gardens have some lovely interior rooms, as well.
Aw, little Japanese girls!
A single flower.
It was SO sunny, it was hard to see.
Nice shot of me.
Dave in costume for once!
It must've felt weird for him to be in front of the lens rather then behind it.
Dave and I.
The large pond in the Japanese section of the Garden.
Another view of the pond.
See how bright it was?
Another fishie!
A really neat silohuette shot.