Sakura Matsuri 2011
at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden
May 1
I've mentioned in previous Sakura Matsuri reports that I normally don't photograph cosplayers at this event, but when the first cosplayer I saw was Deadpool, I just HAD to. Deadpool is everywhere! |
The first girls in kimono I saw. |
I'm not sure, but I think this is the same group that was cosplaying in kimono that I photographed last year. |
A performance group. |
A guy practicing the, I believe that is a shamisen. |
The blossoms were so pink this year, the air actually looked like it was tinted pink. |
These ladies were demonstrating the tea ceremony. |
I believe their kimono are not yukata, but rather, tsukesage. |
You can really learn a lot about good color combinations by studying what other people chose. |
Green tea for free! |
Three girls and a dolly. |
Me and Carrie! Wearing the prototype of her brand new line of cupcake hats! |
Me and Dave! We have to take one of these every year. |
The torii. |
A swimming turtle. |
A view of the pond. |
Turtles sunning themselves on the rocks, turtles keeping cool in the shade. |
The line of people as they cross over the bridge. |
I really like the black and gold combination! |
Two friends |
Once again, so many Japanese tourists and immigrants were amused by the white girl in yukata! |
A beautiful view of the Japanese Hill and Pond Garden |
The waterfall |
Me with Yami, Damaris, and Carlos |
Charles! Thank you for letting me borrow your sword. |
A guide to the different types of cherry blossoms on display in the garden. |
Two beautiful smiling children, and one beautiful shy child. |
I just had to take a picture with them! |
Two ladies inside the main events tent. |
This girl is definitely a future cosplayer--she posed and hid her bag behind her back as soon as I asked to take her picture! |
These next two photos came out pretty dark, unfortunately. |
But when I brightened them up, you can see there were white cherry blossoms in the mix there! |
A dad holding his adorable baby. |
I really liked the color combinations this girl chose. |
Mario Rob! |
Although they were taken with my camera, David Ng posed Rob for these. |
So this is kind of Mario Rob's first photoshoot with David Ng. |
Albeit a mini one. |
See, I was searching for a spring green yukata all year to wear to this festival, but once I saw this girl's kimono, I realized I probably should have been searching for mint green. So pretty! |
A geisha! |
My other exception to my not photographing cosplayers rule? Any Sailor Moon cosplayers, of course! |
The parasols were really helpful, it was very sunny out for most of the day. |
I need to learn the name of the garments the girl on the left is wearing. |
It took a while, but eventually more and more people in kimono started showing up. |
Photographers photographing photographers. |
Photobomb! |
Paul Karpey, aka Popecerebus. |
The sunglasses match her kimono so well! |
A new exhibit grown for this year, those were living branches twisted into little huts. |
A view of the "ceiling" from the inside of the hut. |
A view of the "doorways" from inside the hut. |
Everyone who is wearing kimono is so friendly! |
Me and Andrei! Ran into him completely randomly. |
Linwood was nice enough to take this photo of me with my camera while I was posing for Paul. |
In the back row: Vivian, Dave, Linwood, and Paul
In the back row: Rob and Robert |
A cherry blossom that I had found on the ground that I tucked into my hair. |
Showing off my neck--how
risqué! |
David and I are completely wiped out after walking around a full day in kimono. |
Other Pics (None taken by me)
Another shot of Dave and I with his camera. |
This is why I wanted to borrow Charles's sword! |