Snow White - Peasant Dress
"Make a wish into the well, that's all you have to do. And if you hear it echoing, your wish will soon come true."
Snow White - Peasant Dress
Snow White and the Seven Dwarves
Made by: Avian Firefly - Summer 2010
Appeared: Otakon 2010, New York Comic Con 2019
Status: Active |
I'm not entirely certain how we decided that we wanted to be Disney Princesses, but of course all of us had seen most of Disney's major movies, and were well acquainted with the Disney Princesses, particularly the six that are usually featured on Disney Princess merchandise. Lady Terentia's favorite was Belle from Beauty and the Beast, Reinii's favorite was Ariel from The Little Mermaid, and Avian Firefly's favorite was Aurora from Sleeping Beauty. Now, I'm not sure who my favorite is. My dad has always contended I'm most like Belle (mostly for that whole "with her nose stuck in a book" line), I admire Esmerelda the most (even if she's not a princess), but with my usually transparent skin, there's one Princess I get called teasingly most often. My grandmother's and my mother's favorite has always been, and always shall be, Snow White, so in a way, I did this costume in memory of my Grandma Terry.
We decided to do outfits other than the traditional Disney princess dresses, in part because licensed versions of the official dresses exist and are easily obtainable online, and in part because we enjoy being unique. Avi made Snow White's rag dress from the beginning of the movie, I bought a Rubie's child size of the Snow White wig because I thought it was styled better than the adult wig (so many Snow White costumes feature a page boy cut, even though Snow White doesn't seem to have straight hair), and after losing a few auctions on eBay, I bought authentic Dutch wooden shoes from DutchVillage.com which ended up bruising my feet after walking around in them for eight hours straight. My only problem with this costume is, due to the absolutely gorgeous weather New York enjoyed in July of 2010, I ended up being too tan to make a really authentic Snow White. I plan to wear this costume again after the tan fades and get pictures with my grandfather's adorably accurate wishing well in a few months.
Otakon 2010
New York Comic Con 2019
CGs and Fanart