Otakon 2012
July 27 - July 29
Day Two
Sailor Mars - S Season, Princess Mars
With few exceptions, I love all of the characters I've ever cosplayed, or else I wouldn't have cosplayed them. But it's natural to love some more than others, and generally speaking, most people love their first fandoms the most. So while I love Utena and Umi, Sailor Mars is still my favorite anime character to cosplay. And while I adore all of Sailor Mars's outfits, again I have some that I favor more than others. For all that I'm not a "girly-girl" and whole-heartedly reject the role of "damsel-in-distress", Mars's princess gown is one of my favorites. It's not about being a princess, it's about being a person in a position of responsibility.
Me as Princess Mars. |
Okay, so it doesn't hurt that her dress is gorgeous. |
Louis as Vash the Stampede. |

I touch on this on the Princesses: Crows photoshoot page, but this year I received an incredibly touching gift, one I would have never dared to ask for, nor expected anyone else to even really know about: Avian Firefly and Reinii decided to cosplay as the human versions of Sailor Mars's two crows, Deimos and Phobos, for me. Properly I probably should have worn Mars's Super fuku with them, as the crows are the ones who give Mars her crystal heart to power up in the manga, but I've always felt that the crows were Princess Mars's attendents, the way Luna and Artemis were Princess Serenity's.
Rinoa from Final Fantasy VIII |
The fact that Hime-chan had drawn a beautiful image depicting just that many years ago probably also solidified that in my head. Therefore, when choosing a Mars costume to wear alongside of them, I went with the princess gown.
Harley, Joker, Loki, and Scarecrow. |
Louis decided to dress up as Vash the Stampede. Because he likes Vash the Stampede. |
Dee Dee and Dexter from Dexter's Lab. |
That rather long explanation is my reason for being especially excited about Saturday morning; I could not wait for our photoshoot. Louis and I had our breakfast in our room as usual, I attempted to iron my gown but gave up quickly when merely touching the iron on its lowing setting to the hem ended up scorching the fabric (luckily, I was smart enough to start on the train in the back, where it's least likely to be noticed), I did my makeup while Louis got dressed, and we headed out to the con.
TWO Quail Mans (Quail Men?) from Doug |
We took a slightly different route than we ever had before, and we came across a beautiful fountain we had never seen before, so Louis suggested we stop for some pictures of our own. I tried to point out that a watery background was incongruous for Vash, who comes from a desert plant, but Louis replied that the fountain was pretty. Touché.
Fujimoto, Ponyo, and Granmammare from Ponyo. |
The Princesses: Crows shoot was supposed to start at 10 AM, but you know what the say about the best laid plans of mice and men, and I suppose that saying can be applied to birds and baronesses as well. Since Louis and I found ourselves with extra time on our hands, we decided to head on over to the Dealer's Room--even if we didn't have enough time for in-depth shopping, we could at least scout the lay of the land, which might help us out later.
Sango and Miroku from InuYasha |
As usual, Saturday was the day with the highest attendance of the weekend, and is also customarily the day people wear their favorite and/or most impressive costumes. Ten years of experience have taught me it's a Herculean task, so I try to limit myself to taking pictures of costumes of characters or fandoms that I really love, or really clever pop culture references. Basically, if it elicits a "squee" out of me, or is the kind of thing I would hit Louis on the shoulder to point out to him, I'll dig out the camera.
Dr. Doom! |
To be honest, there isn't much I can say about Dealer's Room: as I've mentioned in previous reports, there isn't that much there for me anymore (although with the new Sailor Moon anime coming out next year, that's bound to change soon!), but also, I was pretty low on funds this year (and the knowledge that I'd have to pay to fix my breaks when we got home was no help), so I spent most of the time scouting for cosplayers.
Utena from Revolutionary Girl Utena. |
That isn't to say there wasn't a lot of cool merchandise; most prevelant at this con were the Nekomimi ears, robotic cat ears that you wore on your head, that were supposed to respond to your brain waves. They weren't bad for $99, but I tried on a pair, and they didn't seem to respond to my emotions accurately. Maybe my brain's non-standard, who knows. But we saw a lot of kids with them on by the end of the weekend.
Carrie and Lou |
Another highlight for me was seeing Athena's Wink’s booth, the business run by two friends of mine, Carrie and Athena-chan. I've known Carrie from some of my earliest cosplay days, and Athena-chan has made several of my cosplay and Halloween costumes. It's been amazing to watch their business grow from a small table in local Artist Alleys, to a full-fledged booth in the Dealer's Room at the largest anime convention on the East Coast. I'm so proud of them!
Athena-chan manning her and Carrie's booth. |
Not far from there, I was finally able to see DJ Ranma S in his Reverend Garterbelt costume--I haven't seen Panty and Stocking yet (for some reason, it just doesn't grab me), but somehow it just feels like the character was created with him in mind. Ranma is not just a well known cosplayer by now, but also a veteran photographer, reporting both for his own site, Anime Jam Session, and finding Sailor Moon cosplayers for me for Sailor Moon Avatars. I don't know what I’d do without him!
Chun Li from Street Fighter. |
While in the Dealer's Room, we ran into our friend Gio, who immediately called over our friends, Mario Rob and Courtney, who we hadn't seen in ages. Courtney was wearing the Sailor Mercury costume made for her by Seiya and Yaten Kou, and she looked absolutely beautiful. I love it when the perfect combination of seamstresses and cosplayers comes together! I had promised Courtney that I would change into classic Sailor Mars later so we could get some pictures together, but we decided to roam the rest of the Dealer’s Room together before we got the call saying the rest of the girls were ready for our photoshoot.
Dr. Horrible! He even has a case of Wonderflonium! |
It wasn't long after that that we heard the girls and Dave were ready. Since we had walked to the Dealer's Room inside, and since it was such a nice day, we decided to walk back to the indoor fountains by way of the outside. Really, the best part of roaming the halls both inside and out is people-and-cosplayer watching; you see so many wonderful costumes that way, and you run into so many photo opportunities, both posing for other people, and asking other people to pose for you.
Jessica Rabbit from Who Framed Roger Rabbit? |
We still managed to reach the indoor fountains before the rest of OPIB did, so I had plenty of time to take pictures of other people, and curse myself for forgetting my Sailor Moon Avatars business cards YET AGAIN. I can only hope that some of the Sailor Moon cosplayers from Otakon 2012 find this convention report and contact me, there were so many wonderful costumes and I would love to feature them all on Sailor Moon Avatars!
Princess Aurora and Rapunzel. |
While we were waiting, we found Pat Gavin, dressed as Finn from Adventure Time! I'm not sure I’d officially designate "Adventure Time!" as the "It" cosplay of Otakon 2012, but it was definitely well represented. Pat was probably my favorite, but then, I admit to being a bit biased. (He was just so cute in his little hat!)
Gio, Courtney, Mario Rob, and Lou. |
Finally, the girls arrived! They each took my breath away in different ways: Lady Terentia I had seen as Princess Mercury before, of course, but the way the ice blue of the dress makes her pale skin shine still amazes me. Seeing Hime-chan dressed as Small Lady…she may be taller than I am, she may be married and a momma-to-be, but she will *always* be my "Small Lady". And Avi and Reinii as Deimos and Phobos…they're such simple costumes. I know they are. (Well, I think they are--all credit goes to Avian Firefly for constructing them, of course.) But as the twin guardians of Princess Mars, they were just…stunning. I couldn't believe it. Seeing them in person, I still couldn't believe my dream was coming true.
This man was selling ice cold water, but for the life of me I can't remember how much he was charging for it... |
We got started. Little secret, David Ng, despite his reputation as a photographer of Sailor Moon cosplayers (although he, of course, photographs other characters from other fandoms, and ventures outside the world of cosplay photography extensively as well!), he has never actually seen or read Sailor Moon in its entirety. However, his dedication to his craft is such that when he knows he is going to do a photoshoot beforehand, he researches everything he can about the characters that will be involved, and how they might possibly interact with each other. Sometimes he just shoots portraits, but whenever possible, he enjoys constructing a sort of narrative to his shoots, and he came up with a wonderful one for Sailor Moon Princesses: Crows.
Walter Joseph Kovacs from Watchmen. |
Courtney stayed and shot a few photos with her camera at first, but by 11 AM she had to run in order to make the Sailor Moon photoshoot which was being held on the third floor terrace. She left Mario Rob behind, however, both to take a few more shots, to keep Louis company, and to help us out any way he could.
Marty McFly from Back to the Future |
I don’t really have ADD, but man, working with me in a convention setting, I wouldn’t be surprised if anyone else felt like I did. I tried to be good. I really did! But whenever Dave didn't need me in a photo, I was off like a shot, distracted by someone else. There were so many good cosplayers around! The indoor fountains is a popular meeting place, both because it’s so well known, and because it has so many great backgrounds available. And when I wasn’t photographing someone else, I was being asked for a photograph. Which leads me to an amusing moment...
Touga and Miki from Revolutionary Girl Utena. |
During one of the moments when Dave was photographing a configuration that did not include me, a fan came up and asked to take my photograph. I've met all kinds at Otakon, but this guy didn't come across as either a "fanboy" (he was dressed normally, for example) nor a "creeper" (he looked me in the face and spoke at a normal volume, for another.) He took the photo, I thanked him, as I usually do, and he grinned at me in return. "Thanks," he said. "Gotta love those low-cut costumes."
Pat Gavin as Finn from Adventure Time. |
My jaw dropped. Dave’s head whipped around like Linda Blair's in The Exorcist, and he snapped, "HEY! I'm one of her best friends!" And without missing a beat, DJ Ranma S, all six foot, however many pounds of him, swiveled on the spot, and looking blacker than I have EVER seen him look, boomed, "And I’M her BROTHER!"
Belle from Beauty and the Beast. |
I had to laugh. I called off my bodyguards, because, after all, the guy hadn't actually done anything, I've certainly heard more vulgar remarks in my day-to-day life (remember, I work in construction), and, hey, gotta respect his honesty!
Starting our Princesses and Crows shoot with Dave. |
I also had the privilege of posing for Al, aka Eurobeat King, in between shots for Dave. Ordinarily I don't like to try to work with two photographers at the same time--I'd rather give my complete attention to the person I'm working with, my aforementioned ADD notwithstanding--but I knew Al only had a few minutes, and really, I mainly wanted a picture WITH him even more than I wanted one BY him. I always enjoy spending time with him and I really wish we could spend some time together in a non-cosplay setting. Ah, well. C'est la vie.
With a little help from Mario Rob. |
Not long after that, we wrapped up the shoot. It's always hard to think on your feet (and I have to admit, I was not as well prepared for this shoot as I have been for others in the past, and certainly not as well prepared as Dave was!), but I think we managed to get every photo I could possibly dream of, and then some more besides.
Locke Cole and Terra Branford from Final Fantasy VI. |
After the shoot, the girls left for their hotel rooms to change (Avi and Reinii in particular had to get out of the heels they had worn, as they were KILLER), and Dave and I sat down to catch up. We see each other at non-cosplay events throughout the year, and we usually have e-mails several pages long going back and forth between us, but there's nothing like a tête-à-tête in person.
Me and Eurobeat King |
It's interesting, as we both entered the convention scene around the same time, in the early 2000s, and though we've both branched out and experienced different things, we've still known a lot of the same people and had a lot of the same experiences. The con scene in general and Otakon in particular has changed a lot throughout the years, some of it good, some of it not so good, but most of it just…different. Being able to watch the development of a beloved hobby is fascinating, and being able to discuss it at length with a friend is a true joy.
Me with my darling Avian Firefly and Aki Reinii. <3 |
While we were talking, Miss V, having come from the Sailor Moon photoshoot, came down in her new Sailor V costume. She looked absolutely adorable--I loved her new wig! She joined the little circle we had going down by the glass walls and really, it was nice to get a chance to relax and spend time together amongst the craziness that is a con weekend.
Pyramid Head and a Nurse from Silent Hill. |
We only allotted ourselves a little bit of time to rest and relax before it was time to head out for the next item on our itinerary: our annual lunch with Louis's brother-from-another-mother, Chris. We had missed him the year before due to some communication errors, but I wasn't missing him this year! He brought along his friend, Ben, who we had first met in 2010.
A group of Fate Stay Night cosplayers. |
We tried to find the same pub we had visited that year, since we had had a wonderful, quiet and peaceful lunch there that time, but either we never found the same side street that it was on, or it's one of the businesses, like The Wharf Rat, that has changed either owners, names, locations, or some combination thereof. Nevertheless, we found another place that wasn't too crowded.
Cosplayers coming down the escalators. |
We had a great time at lunch--looking back now, writing this con report admittedly VERY late, even for me--I can't remember all we talked about, but you know, some of the best conversations are about nothing in particular at all. It's not always what you share, but just the act of sharing, that’s memorable. Plus, you know, Chris makes me smile, and Ben makes me laugh. It's a shame we only get down there once a year. (Though, you know, Chris, you could come up our way once in a while. Halloween. Thanksgiving. Something. I’m just saying.)
Louis and I with Hime-chan |
After lunch, Louis and I headed back to our hotel room. Louis needed a quick break in the air conditioning (I mentioned the day was nice, but it was hot, as always), we needed to refill our flasks, and I needed to change into classic Sailor Mars so I could take some pictures with Courtney. I have to admit: even I found the cooler air a welcome break! Luckily, I didn't have to change my contacts or even my makeup, I was just "transforming" from one version of Sailor Mars into another. (Still, as quick a change as it was, it would have been easier with a working henshin pen.)
A great DC group! |
We left our hotel and headed over to the Marriott to meet up with Mario Rob and Courtney. We didn't want to walk too far, as despite what the anime and manga would have you believe, heels are really not the most comfortable fighting shoes, so we decided that the relatively blank wall of the side of the hotel would suffice for a background. We were unable to get a "real" photographer on such short notice, but Courtney’s camera is actually very good, and between Mario Rob working hers, and Louis working mine, we took some very good shots.
Miss V drops it like it's hot. Louis is unaware of how hot it is. |
More difficult was trying to come up with poses--it had been so long since I had worked without someone directing me that, even though I do contribute ideas of my own, I was at a loss without a jumping-off point. The boys were less than helpful, having their own ideas of what they would like to see us girls do that were, how shall we say, less than canon. (Although I am sure there is plenty of Mercury and Mars fanart out there, underneath Rule 34. Just a note: if you do not know what Rule 34 is, do not look it up. Ignorance is bliss. Trust me.)
Zatanna, Black Canary, and a female version of Nightwing. |
There was one main section of the con we had yet to check out: The Artists' Alley. Louis was especially anxious to get there, as the year before we had actually found more merchandise there that we were interested in, than we had in the Dealer's Room! I checked in with the girls of OPIB and a few of them had headed there as well, so we decided to make that the next stop on our trip.
Relm Arroway, Terra Branford, Celes Chere, and Locke Cole from Final Fantasy VI. |
The Artists' Alley, a little like the game room, can be a welcome break from the hustle and bustle of the hallways. For one thing, it's a lot less crowded. For another, both owing to that, and the fact that there are no windows, and it's a very big space, it's a LOT cooler. There is still plenty to see, and though not as many, there are still costumes to admire. I didn’t find anything as "HAVE to have" as the senshi cameos we had all bought the previous year, but there was still a lot of beautiful artwork both on display and for sale.
Chris, Lou, and Ben. |
It was starting to get late and I was starting to get hungry (on normal days, I eat pretty much as soon as I get home from work, around 5:30), so after stopping at our hotel room so Louis could change (I never change out of costume at a convention--why waste suitcase space with boring "normal" clothing?) we decided to hunt up some of our friends, and go out for our annual "nice" dinner at Luna del Sea.
The Artist's Alley. |
Hime-chan, her husband, and her brother decided to join us, so that we could actually have some quality non-convention time together, Ferio!Chris is always in the mood for some excellent seafood, and Mario Rob, Courtney, Gio, Mike, and Justin tagged along. Much as I love spending time with them, you remember the Dip Bowl Fiasco of 2010...
Shaggy and Scooby Doo! |
Those boys. They had forgotten about the dip bowl. I don't know how--it's their sin, not mine! Although I'm not sure, I think being the recipient of stolen goods is still...if not illegal, let's agree that it's at least immoral. I was mortified by the dip bowl.
A Colonial Marine Officer with a facehugger |
I now have matching silverware. I HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS.
Giselle from Enchanted |
Nevertheless, petty larceny aside, we all had a wonderful time. Being geeks, we had all seen The Dark Knight Rises not too long before Otakon and, being geeks, we all wanted to share our opinions about it. The opinions were incredibly verbose and varied, so I'll spare you them, but I will say this: if you've got about an hour or two you want killed, just ask Louis what he thinks about Blake's real name being "Robin". I'll wait.
One view of our table from dinner |
After dinner, I wanted a last walk-through of the convention, so I could play photo-hunt instead of just being a model in one photoshoot after another. Don't get me wrong, I love photoshoots, next to just spending time with my friends--which, let's face it, we could do outside of a convention setting--they're my favorite part of the con, but I also enjoy taking photos to share in these reports, and sometimes it's hard to chase down people in costumes you admire when you're busy.
The other view at Luna del Sea |
Night time is always less crowded at the con, even on Saturday, which is the busiest day of the weekend; people are at the Masquerade, for one, or out to dinner, such as we had been, or exhausted after spending the day in costume. But the people who are around are very relaxed and silly, and you often get the greatest impromptu photo opportunities.
Go Go Power Rangers! |
By this point, the Masquerade had ended, and the girls from OPIB were in the mood for dinner. As I mentioned, Louis and I had already eaten, but what the heck, I was in the mood for some libations and some dessert--okay, maybe just some libations. And conversation. So we headed out into the night, which somehow felt even hotter than the day had been, and trekked on over to the Hard Rock Café.
Emma Frost from X-Men |
We made it to the Café before anyone else, and ordered the first round of drinks. I was very much amused while we were waiting: first, a group of men asked to take a picture with me, because they were there celebrating a bachelor party and, well, I guess I was a pretty girl (I offered to sit on the groom-to-be's lap, but he declined), and second, a pair of Japanese tourists asked to take a picture with me, because who expects to see cosplay in America? (I don't actually know if that was their reason; we didn't get much beyond "Please?" and "Thank you!")
Syaoran Li from Cardcaptor Sakura |
Then the door opened, and the party entered! So many more people came than just us girls of Outer Power, Inner Beauty. Some of them were friends of Reinii's, and others were friends of Avi's, who I was meeting for the first time. There was Andy, Reinii's boyfriend, who I'm glad I'm getting to know better. There was David Ng and Ferio!Chris, of course. I wasn’t much interested in dessert, and I knew to pace myself with alcohol (I had been walking all day, and while I didn't feel dehydrated, you usually don’t until it's too late, do you?) so I spent most of the evening running around and taking pictures.
These weren't convention attendees, just cute Japanese tourists in the Hard Rock Cafe who wanted to take a picture with me! |
Once again, at this late date, I couldn't tell you everything we ended up talking about--although, to be honest, I'm not sure I could have recounted everything the next day, either. I know we had a blast. I remember our waiter being particularly awesome. I remember him telling me I had beautiful eyes, and rather than accept the compliment like a normal person, I launched into an overly-long explanation of how I was wearing colored contacts.
Andy and Reinii playing around |
I remember us wanting him to come over to our table, and Reinii flailing her hands in the air for an unrelated reason (I think she was trying to demonstrate something for a story she was telling), and our waiting appearing seemingly out of nowhere, so for the rest of the night any time we wanted his attention, we all flailed around like fools. I remember Mario Rob and his friends texting us that they were bored, so I invited them to join us. I don’t remember anything really in specific--just that we had a really, really good time.
One view of our table at the Hard Rock Cafe |
Sadly, I'm very much an "early to bed" kind of person, and I find it difficult to reset my circadian rhythm on vacation, so by midnight, I was just about done. We said our goodnights and headed back to our hotel...only to receive a call from David Ng letting me know that I had forgotten my camera. Mother--G rated site, I know. Damnation. Back to the Hard Rock Café we went. With my camera safely back in my possession (not that it wasn't safe with Dave, but you never know when you're going to need it!) we started back "home" again.
The other view of our table |
And sure enough, I needed it! Halfway through our walk, we ran into Oshidori! I know I've said it before, but it still amazes and amuses me that we live literally minutes away from each other, but we never seem to run into each other unless we're both vacationing in another state. You know how it is: you get so busy in your day to day life, that you really only seem to make time for each other when indulging in a shared hobby.
Louis and I with Oshi! |
Exhausted, we only spent a few minutes with Oshi before I realized I had better lie down before I *fell* down. There was a hotel bed with my name on it, and we had big plans for the following day...
He had Nic Cage on his badge. AWESOME. |
Sailor Moon Photos
Neo Queen Serenity |
Sailor Moon |
Sailor Jupiter and Fem Captain America |
Luna and Artemis |
Black Lady and Neo Queen Serenity |
Tuxedo Kamen |
Sailor Mercury and Sailor Neptune |
Joined by Sailor Venus |
Sailor Pluto and Sailor Mercury |
The Outer Senshi |
Sailor Moon bookbags! |
Me with two Sailor Moons |
Clearer, but I'm making a dumb face. |
We're still not used to my new camera. |
More Photos
We've been going to Otakon for eight years now, and somehow we've NEVER seen this fountain before. |
It's gorgeous, though. |
We had a gorgeous day, too. |
This was right between our hotel and the convention center. |
Apparently, pretty > canon. |
Found a Terry! |
Louis finds a Wolfwood. |
Such a good Wolfwood! |
Louis with his favorite girl, Harley. |
Lou with DJ Ranma S |
Got another Terry! |
Me, Courtney, Mario Rob, and Lou |
It was the first time we had seen them all weekend. |
No matter how many times I see a little kid beg to take a picture with Mario, it never fails to make me smile. |
Behind the scenes of our Princesses and Crows photoshoot. |
You can see the work that it takes to get into our poses. |
It's all worth it, though. |
Dave got some beautiful shots of us. |
And another |
This is right by the exit to the outdoors in the indoor fountain room. |
I love my girlies! |
Mario Rob as Dr. Mario. |
Rob was wielding Courtney's camera. |
Conferring with Dave. |
Avi and Reinii as Deimos and Phobos |
They both looked so beautiful. |
The shoes were uncomfortable, though. |
They wore little skirts over their bodysuits while traveling. |
A great shot of my hair! |
I had looked forward to this shoot for months. |
Darn Lou's tall. |
I could have used this pic on Sailor Moon Avatars. |
The girls helping situate me. |
We all help each other out. |
That dress required a lot of fixing that day. |
My crows. |
A slightly different angle. |
Someone made me laugh. |
Really, there are just...a lot of these. |
With Lady Terentia |
Hime-chan as Small Lady |
Small Lady holds one of my crows. |
Louis REALLY liked their costumes. |
Small Lady and Phobos |
Another shot. |
Louis loves him some Mercury. |
Us derping around. |
This might be slightly off-center. |
THERE we go. |
Posing for Al. |
We look so cute! |
Me and Avi! |
Too bad you can see the people outside! |
Princesses |
Our full group |
Another one of all of us. |
Trying to get into position. |
There we go! |
Those wigs must have been difficult as well. |
Dave comes up with wonderful poses. |
We've been working together for a long time. |
So have the girls and I, come to think of it. |
And I love them. <3 |
I was trying to hold them up as much as possible. |
Which wasn't hard, given they each weigh about ten pounds. |
Just about winding down here. |
I think this is the last shot of the shoot. |
Yup, we're done! |
Poor Mario Rob got to be the crow wrangler. |
O-P-I-B! |
Everybody pile on Dave! |
OPIB and our stalwart photographer. |
"All right, stop fooling around, and give me the camera!" |
Another Wolfwood! |
Louis finds another Juliette from Lollipop Chainsaw. |
Another shot of the DC group. |
Louis loves taking candid shots of Sailor Senshi on the street. |
Posing Courtney. |
Posing together. |
Mars's evil spirits chant and Mercury's Shabon Spray. |
Starting our attacks... |
Wigs need fixing. |
Ready now! |
Back to back. |
"Tsukini kawatte..." |
"...oshikiyo!" |
This is what happens when you let boys pose you. |
I thought dancing would be a good idea for some reason. |
I forget which one of us came up with this pose. |
Another one. |
Fixing between shots. |
Mercury attacks! |
Courtney attacks! |
This one was my idea! |
I really like how it came out. |
So awesome. |
Hime-chan came along and we begged her to pose us. |
This image of Mercury is Courtney's desktop wallpaper! |
Hmm, what next? |
Checking with each other... |
Mercury gets all the best dancer poses. |
Courtney picked up that ball at Walmart. Best accessory ever! |
Trying to bend our bodies. |
Sitting seemed like a good idea. |
The first two senshi found after Sailor Moon. |
Courtney had this as her cover picture on her Facebook cosplay account... |
...before Facebook banned all cosplay accounts. |
Louis is for nomming. Avi approved. |
A third Juliette! |
The Power Rangers are kneeling before Darth Vader. |
Because that's a thing that happens. |
A LOT of people were taking pictures of the Power Rangers. |
They kept getting in the way. |
This one came out pretty well, though. |
Louis with his favorite DC characters |
Taking pictures of moving people is difficult. |
Luckily Andy cooperated by repeatedly throwing Reinii up in the air. |
Thankfully, he's also good at catching her. |
Me and Lou. |
Yeah, I'm terrible at this. |
Me and Dave. |
I remembered to turn the flash on. |
Me and Reinii. |
Me and Andy. |
Me and Chris. |
Me and Avi. |
Me and Reinii's friend Austin. |
Me and Reinii's friend Peter. |
Me and Lady Terentia. |
A better one of us. |
Me and Avi's friend Eric. |
Ah, there I am. |
Me and Gio. |
Me and Mario Rob |
More Photos (not taken by me)
Louis and I. |
The other most common sight of me at a convention. |
Wow, this actually came out *really* pretty! |
"Aww, yeah!" |
So why are we trying for another one? |
Word to the wise: do not stick your tongue out at Avian Firefly. |
Why not? |
Reinii and I. |
Watch Crissy try to convince people she's just met to take pictures with her! |
His contacts are a LOT brighter than mine--I messed up and ordered Color Blends instead of Fresh Look Colors this year. |
"No, it's okay, look! Austin did it!" |
"Flail for the waiter, my minions." |
"FLAIL!" |
Some very tired cosplayers. |
Hey, you can actually see our very pretty shoes! |
"My name is Darth Vader. I am an extra-terrestrial from the planet Vulcan!" Also, me in my natural habitat. |