Otakon 2018
August 10 - August 12
Day One
Mia Fey
Building on the lessons learned from my trip down to Otakon the year before, I once again 1) straightened my own hair the night before the con, and 2) booked a room in the Henley Park Hotel. This year I didn't make the wrong turn my GPS did not warn me about last year. This year I turned into the driveway with the traffic flow. This year they actually had valet parking available--or so they said; this will come up again later. Thus I was in my hotel room, unpacked, changed, and at the con in record time.
I wanted to see all of my OPIB girls, of course, but I especially wanted to meet up with Lady Terentia, Annalee, and Eric, as my first costume of the weekend was Mia Fey, which I had done entirely to match their Phoenix Wright group. As I mentioned on the costume page for Mia, they had gotten into Phoenix Wright by watching some "Let's Play" videos, and the YouTuber who did the one they watched, ProZD, was scheduled to be at Otakon for a signing, so we all really wanted to make sure we got a chance to meet him. I headed over to the convention center and started to text the girls, when who should I run into but Laurel and Stevie! I'm usually bad at recognizing people, but Stevie was wearing the Q-Pot Jupiter costume she had worn with our group last year, which helped immensely.
Black Canary from Justice League |
Lady Terentia et al were in the Artist's Alley scoping out where ProZD was going to be, so I took my time and mosey'ed on down to where they were, futilely trying to get comfortable with the layout of the Walter E. Washington Convention Center (maybe I'm too old to absorb new information? I hope not) and photograph cosplayers, which I had considerably more success with. (Except I didn't find any Terry Bogards. All weekend. What a shame.) I really love just how much room the convention center has; I don't think there's a single area that could make anyone feel claustrophobic. It's wonderful.
Sephiroth and Cloud from Final Fantasy VII |
Eventually I got down to the Artist's Alley and found my group. Lady Terentia had made Eric's wig and it came out *amaizing*; photos do not do it enough justice (no pun intended.) Everywhere we went during the entire day, he was getting stopped and complimented. I don't think I've ever seen Teren so pleased. Annalee looked amazing as Miles; for a pretty girl, she made a startingly convincing handsome man. (And she had his scornful finger wag down *perfectly*.) And, of course, Teren was so freaking adorable as Maya, oh my gosh. It was really, really fun to play being her sister.
Princess Peach from Super Mario Brothers |
We were fairly early for ProZD's signing, but didn't mind; we wanted to make sure we knew where it was, and we wanted to make sure we would definitely meet him--you never know when there's going to be a cutoff to a line, or something. We and a few other guys who were there for ProZD kept getting mixed up with another group that was there for another celebrity, but the staffers in the Artist Alley kept everyone informed and inline so things really ran very smoothly. Finally, right before 3 PM, they herded us to the queue we were supposed to line up in.
Serge and Arlette |
ProZD was really nice! I mostly kept my blinkin' mouf shut, because I hadn't actually watched the Let's Play videos (I had, however, played all of the Phoenix Wright games, with the exception of the Professor Layton crossover which I really should get to one of these days), but Annalee, Eric, and Teren got to talk to him for a bit while he signed Eric's 3DS (which was a really neat place to get a signature, in my opinion!) and Eric gave him one of the defender badges he had 3D printed when he made his and mine. I think that's a perfect gift to give a guest--small and related to the thing you're a fan of. He thanked us, we thanked him, and he even agreed to come out from behind the table to take a picture with our group. On the count of three, we all yelled "Objection!" Way too much fun.
Kiki and Tombo from Kiki's Delivery Service |
A bunch of us were interested in the reverse Escape The Room game called "Save Closing Ceremonies" Otakon was putting on, not only because our friends Serge and Arlette were running it, but because we had had so much fun at Harry Potter themed Escape The Room we went to for Teren's birthday last year. We wanted to make sure we didn't miss it (because, due to having a time limit, and needing setup time as well, it was only being run at specific intervals), so before anything else we decided to swing by the room where it was being held to see if there was a sign up sheet or anything. There was actually a game in progress (which we very virtuously made sure we didn't look at--well, maybe virtue had nothing to do with it; what's the point in beating a game if it isn't a challenge?) so we just said a quick hi to Arlette and Serge and promised to be back at 8:30 PM--the next and last time the game would be held on Friday. Oh, I suppose we could have gone another day if we had needed to, but for one thing, you should always seize an opportunity in case it doesn't come by again, and two..we're giant dorks who wanted to solve a case while dressed as Phoenix Wright characters. Hey, if you don't know how *massively* nerdy I am my friends are by now, you're obviously come to this website by mistake. |
Celes from Final Fantasy VI |
Once that was settled, it was on to our next event--tea at my hotel! We took a quick side trip to the girls' hotel at the Embassy Suites to pick up the rest of our group. Avian Firefly and Reiini looked adorable in matching Lolita outfits, Chris looked handsome as Locke from Final Fantasy VI, and Josh always looks spectacular in their alluring maid costume. We also met up with Hime-chan and her brother David, and she looked *so* incredible as Supergirl that I was blown away. Once everyone was ready, we headed back to the Henley Park Hotel.
I don't usually take selfies with my phone, but we looked pretty cute. |
At the hotel, we were joined by Laurel and Stevie and a friend of theirs again (who I KNOW I've met before and I forgot the name of AGAIN because I am a terrible person), our friends Lyn and Rae, Alyce and Viluy, and Doc. Having tea at 4:15 was technically a little early for dinner, but I had skipped lunch, and the high tea with scones, sandwiches, and desserts really does fill you up WAY more than you think it will (trust me, I'm a veteran Alice's Tea Cup patron. I *always* order the Nibble for myself and I can *never* finish the desserts.) Even though I skipped most of the desserts (I tried one and it was like pure sugar; I don't have that much of a sweet tooth, and I don't really like chocolate), and everyone ate as much as they could hold, we still had food leftover! I took a few of the finger sandwiches with me; I've gotten used to having a small snack right before bed, and these were perfect. |
David and Hime-chan |
We had a lot of fun lingering over tea (...that makes us sound so genteel; I assure you we are not. Well, maybe Terentia is) but once the dishes were cleared and the bill was paid we decided to head back to the convention center--Teren, Annalee, Eric, and I really wanted to wander around as a group so we could show off our Phoenix Wright costumes together. And I, as always, wanted to get more pictures of other cosplayers. We also took a quick trip through the Dealer's Room--I hadn't been there yet, and I'm not sure the others had either. Teren spotted an Ami in a yukata that really called to her (especially given what we'd be wearing the next day!) but she also adheres to the "sleep on it, never buy anything the first day unless it's something you would truly grieve if you missed out on" so we just noted it's location and moved on.
Fuu Hououji from Magic Knight Rayearth |
We had asked DJ Ranma S to do a photoshoot of us in our costumes at 8, and since we needed to be at the front of the line for the Save Closing Ceremonies game at 8:30, we asked if he could meet us there to take the pictures, so once we were done in the Dealer's Room we traipsed back to the third floor. For having been in costume for well over 8 hours, I think we all held up pretty well! Ranma got some great shots and it was nice getting to hang out with him for a bit as well. |
Funny; I have that same jacket at home. |
Finally, it was time for Saving Closing Ceremonies! Only ten people were allowed to play at a time, and there were seven of us interested, which is why we were so determined to be on time. The other three guys who got in with us were really nice, and very smart. Arlette and Serge fired up the video that introduced the concept of the game and the rules, and we were off!
A *really* awesome Killmonger |
I just have to say, considering the game was limited to one round table, I had a *ball*. The Harry Potter themed Escape The Room was *gorgeous*; it was two rooms with a full set with lighting effects and sound and was completely immersive; *but* I remember feeling a lot of the time like I had no idea what to do and being no help whatsoever. Save Closing Ceremonies was challenging, but since you could see everybody else at all times, communication and organization was a *lot* easier, and since there were puzzles that were language based (like cryptograms), I was actually useful this time! With all of us working together, we not only beat the game, but Arlette told us later that we were the only group who didn't ask for a single hint (I believe you were allowed three?) AND even so, we solved it with the fastest time! Go team! |
We saved closing ceremonies! |
After we had successfully saved Closing Ceremonies, most of our group wanted to head back to our hotel room. I was halfway tempted to myself (I go to bed ridiculously early almost every night, and am especially in need of beauty sleep on nights when I'm going to be photographed), but Avi wanted to check out the Lolita Bingo, and I decided to join her, both because I hadn't gone the year before (it had been so popular I couldn't get in) and because I hadn't really gotten to spend much time with her yet. We said goodnight to everyone else and headed over to bingo.
Lyn and Rae |
There were...suprisingly fewer Lolitas than I expected? I don't know, last year at the "Lolita Garden" I had envisioned (but admittedly not seen for myself) a shabby chic decor filled with beautiful women in beautiful Lolita outfits. Now, the decor in my imagination was admittedly too elaborate; there's just so much you can do with a room ordinairly used for business meetings. And the little tables were actually very cute. And...I mean, it was after 9 o'clock at this point. And I wasn't in Lolita. Who am I to judge? |
Dr. Forrester and a Deep 13 themed Tom Servo! |
We found seats at a table occupied by a goth girl in a kigu (which, by the way, I think needs to become more of a thing) and her boyfriend, who had that thousand-yard stare associated with veterans who have seen so much horror they have no emotions left anymore. They quietly informed us that they had been playing for *hours* without even coming close to winning. Well, what the heck--I was just here for the company, right?
Lolita Bingo |
To be fair, the people running the Bingo could have done a little better. There was a screen at the front of the room which displayed which numbers had been called, which helped. But they took FOOOREEEVEEER to call each number--they made a lot of little jokes around EVERY single one. And a lot of the other players never seemed to know which game we were on--full card? Four corners? Star shape? It changed every time. |
We won NOTHING. |
By 10 PM, we had had enough. (Also, that's when Lolita Bingo was ending anyway.) I said goodnight to Avi, and headed back to my hotel...to see my car still parked in their driveway, directly outside the front door. O...kay? At least I knew where it was. I went up to my room and turned in for the night.
Terra from Final Fantasy VI |
Sailor Moon Photos
(e-mail me at sunseenli@aol.com if you recognize yourself!)
Usagi |
Sailor Moon! I can't tell if the little girls are also Sailor Moon, or Haruhi Suzumiya. |
Michiru |
More Photos
Me and Hime-chan |
Supergirl! |
I just wanted to make sure I got good pictures of her costume. |
But all from the waist up because she forgot her boots. |
Killmonger from Black Panther |
More Photos (none by me)
Our Phoenix Wright group with ProZD!
| The reason we're all dressed like this. |
Table one at our tea party.
| Facebook kept trying to tag the faces on the wall, which amused me greatly. |
"Nick" and Maya are on the case!
| Move over and let the old ladies handle the obsolete tech. |
A language puzzle! I can actually do those!
| Oh hai cleavage. |
The best part is I can't tell if they're trying to be in character or if this was totally candid.
| Our winning group! |
Arlette amused herself by taking photos of us working on their puzle. |
A bit of a motley group |
We are SUPAR SIRIUS about it too. |
Thank goodness I do cryptograms in my spare time. |
I was SO INTENT. |
It was so nice to be helpful for a change. |