AnimeNEXT 2015
June 12 - 14
Day One
Hino Rei - Sailor Moon Crystal opening outfit
Friday, June 12th started the way most of my con Fridays do; I got up, I went to the beauty parlor and got my hair straightened, I got into costume, and I drove to the con. I was about an hour out on the road, keeping up with traffic in the left lane of the highway, when all of a sudden, it seemed like all the light and color in the world started to...dim, for lack of a better word. I didn't feel vertigo, exactly, I just felt...funny. There's no other word for it. But I definitely didn't feel like I was in control, and I switched to the right lane as quickly as I could, so I could pull over. And as I did, the feeling lifted. I started driving again, and as soon as I'd get to my top speed in the left lane, it would return. It was the oddest thing. So I didn't make as good time down to the con as I would have liked, because I had to do about ten miles per hour below the speed limit for the rest of the drive.
Characters from Kingdom Hearts |
I was a little freaked out, but I felt better once I had arrived safely--though it was *ungodly* hot and humid out, even for me. (My normal comfortable temperature is about 80 degrees.) I was awfully grateful that my choice of costume allowed me to carry around a big red umbrella; this may be the first time ever I used an umbrella to shade me from the sun. Not long after I arrived, I got a text from my friend Pete, who was attending his first every anime convention, although he's a veteran of many comic book conventions (and in fact had brought me to my first one when we were back in high school.) I took advantage of having another set of muscles, and asked him to help me carry my stuff up to my hotel room--it's amazing the amount of luggage cosplay entails. Crissy's Hotel Room Count: 1. (This will be explained later.) After my stuff was safely stowed, we headed back to the Garden State Convention Center and I started to show him the ropes. |
Spider-Men! |
As we made our way around the con I was on the lookout for cosplayers to photograph--there were so many Sailor Moon cosplayers I ran out of cards before the end of the day! Lesson learned: bring ALL your cards to the con, and portion them out per day, don't just grab a handful for the entire weekend. We also took a turn through the Dealer's Room, where I broke my own rule and bought something the very first day: the rest of the Absolute Boyfriend manga, which I had been looking for at AnimeNEXT the year before. We also grabbed a quick bite to eat in the food court, although there were no tables left so we ended up having an impromptu picnic on the floor. On our way out, we ran into Ranma, who was also looking for cosplayers to photograph, as part of his coverage for Anime Jam Session.
L from Death Note |
Pete had to leave not long afterward, so Ranma and I wandered the con together for a while, talking about Sailor Moon Crystal, and our respective websites, and the con scene in general, when I ran into Brian Ngai, who I had seen the weekend before at Special Edition: New York. He asked me if I wanted to do a quick photoshoot together, and I jumped at the chance, not only because he takes beautiful photographs (although he DOES), but because so far I'd gotten almost no photographs of my Rei costume! I really thought Sailor Moon Crystal was popular enough that people would recognize who I was dressed as, but I guess it's entirely too "normal looking" to be recognized as a costume. I also ran into Junior from Refractor Productions, who I hadn't seen since AnimeNEXT the year before (and truth be told, had started to be worried about, since I hadn't heard from him either, although it turned out he had just been busy), and we did a quick shoot together as well. |
Mario Kart! This was the same guy who had been part of the Mario Kart group that had game music playing and balloons tied to their karts the year before. |
As afternoon turned towards evening, I got a text from Doc, saying that he had decided to share a ride with our friend (and his coworker) Tony home, who lives about five minutes away, so he could pop over to the convention and check it out for a few hours, since this was going to be the last time AnimeNEXT was going to be held in Somerset. My stomach was informing me that it was dinner time, and rather than trek to any of the neighboring restaurants, which were sure to be full of cosplayers, we made up our minds to eat in the surprisingly empty hotel restaurant located in the DoubleTree. The food wasn't bad! I have no idea why it was empty. The service wasn't the greatest, but honestly by this point I was so happy to sit down (even with gel insoles in my shoes my feet were *still* killing me!) I didn't care--and anyway, Doc's and my conversations always end up taking several hours anyway.
Asami, Lin Beifong, Varrick, and Korra from Legend of Korra |
In fact, we were having SO much fun that, even though the convention day was winding down, we didn't really want to stop talking, though I did want to get out of my contact lenses--so I dragged Doc back to my hotel room for a nightcap. Crissy's Hotel Room Count: 2. I'm glad Doc seems to like me even when I'm wearing pajamas with clouds on them and my glasses on, and is interested in hearing me rant about everything from the usual topics of anime and photography to obsessive stalkers and personal safety. I was a good girl and we only had one glass of Jameson each, and then Doc called for an Uber lift home, and I settled in for the night. |
King Arthur from Monty Python and the Holy Grail |
Sailor Moon and Utena Photos
Sailor Neptune |
Sailor Neptune |
Sailor Chibimoon |
Sailor Moon |
Sailor Moon |
Sailor Moon |
Sailor Mars |
More Photos
Two Kairis, Riku, Sora, and...I'm not sure, actually. |
At least he doesn't have a blue shell. |