AnimeNEXT 2015
June 12 - 14
Day Two
Utena - Rosebride
I had booked a room at the Comfort Inn through Triple A, since all of the hotels with the convention rate had filled up surprisingly quickly (I had booked my room for AnimeNEXT 2014 little more than a month before the con!) I hadn't *really* been considering room service, since I've been trying to budget intelligently, but I had been surprised to learn upon check-in that there was no restaurant attached to the hotel at *all*. This worried me.
Takami drags the twins into another Host Club publicity stunt |
However, in its place, they offered a free continental breakfast in the morning! And these days "continental breakfasts" are more than just a cold bagel and a juice pack; this was virtually an all-you-can-eat buffet of breakfast pastries and cereal and fruit. I went downstairs at 8 AM when it was just starting to get a little crowded, but I still managed to have a table to myself, and was able to read and eat my breakfast in peace, preparing me to face the rest of my day. |
Freya and Elda from Chobits |
This was only my second time wearing Utena's rosebride dress, and I remembered how much help I had had at Otakon the year before, and was a little worried I wouldn't be able to manage by myself. It helped that I the room to myself, which gave me a lot more room to navigate, and this time I was smart enough to pin all of the accessories on the dress *before* I put it on. I still had trouble closing the hook and eye at the very top and pinning the brooch in place, but all things considered I don't think I did too bad of a job.
Iron Man! |
Once everything was in place, I grabbed my stuff and headed out to the convention center. Thankfully, it wasn't nearly as hot and humid on Saturday as it had been the day before; the rosebride dress is sleeveless, which helps, but the giant crinoline can be surprisingly stifling. It was still a little early, so not as many people were out and about as would be later, but there were still quite a few people in costume wandering around. I'm never trying to do a comprehensive convention report (as evidenced by the fact that I talk more about breakfast than I do about any of the programming), but I do try to take photos of cosplayers who catch my eye--although that's usually limited to the few series I know and recognize. |
The female Wii Fit trainer! |
As I was drifting around the front lawn of the Double Tree, I spotted a beautiful Sailor Moon cosplayer crossing the road towards me. I headed on over with the intent of asking her if I could take her picture for Sailor Moon Avatars, and as I got closer, I realized it was Scott's girlfriend, Tiffany! I had met her at the Sakura Matsuri that April, when she was dressed as Usagi from the Sailor Moon Crystal opening. Her friend Christilynn, who had been dressed as Rei from the same sequence, was also with her--although it's a mark of what a great cosplayer she is that I didn't recognize her right away!
Burt and Mary Poppins |
The girls hadn't picked up their badges yet, nor had they ever been to AnimeNEXT before, so they were unsure where to go. I started to try to tell them, but I realized that I didn't have a map of the grounds, and it can get a little confusing because the intuitive "route" most attendees usually follow take you to the *back* entrance of the convention center, which they won't let you go through without a badge. The only way I knew to get to the main entrance required you to go off the beaten path. Oh, there's probably a direct route, but if there is, I don't know it. And I'm not the greatest at giving directions anyway. It was early in the morning, I had nothing to do, and besides, I really kind of wanted to get to know the girls better anyway, so I volunteered to walk them over to the end of the registration line, and then ended up keeping them company and chatting with them while they waited. We ended up having a ball! Tiffany and Christilynn are both incredibly nice, and Christilynn's sister Victoria was also with them. It was my first time meeting her, and she was absolutely hilarious--she kept us in stitches the whole time. |
Naked Sims! |
About the time the girls were ready to enter the convention center proper, I got a text from Paul Karpey AKA PopeCerebus to see if I was dressed and free. I had mentioned to him I was interested in doing a photoshoot with him, which would be especially fitting since he had shot my school uniform Utena the year before--maybe we could link the two shoots thematically, or something. We found each other near the entrance to the DoubleTree's pool, which makes for a really great meeting spot by the way, and moved off the beaten path to do our photoshoot. I'm afraid I wasn't the best model to work with; it's a little difficult to move around in that big poofy dress, and the sun was so bright it was really hard not to squint. But Paul was very patient with me, and gave me a hand over any obstacles I needed to climb (or even step) over, and we did end up getting some really good pictures, although I attribute that more to his skill than the raw material he had to work with. :)
After we were done with the photoshoot, I said goodbye the Paul, and made my way down the path to the DoubleTree again. As soon as I walked in the door, I saw Ranma and Greg! Ranma was again doing his usual, and in fact if you *do* want to read *real* convention coverage that actually discusses things like panels, you should probably check out Anime Jam Session. But he's never too busy to pull over Sailor Moon cosplayers--at least 90% of which he knows personally, the thing about Ranma is that he seems to know everybody--for me to photograph. As for Greg, I hadn't seen him since last October, if my memory serves me, and since it had been so long, we agreed to meet for pre-dinner drinks later in the day. |
Me and Greg! |
The boys were pretty busy, so I said goodbye to them for the moment and went back on my photo safari. If I had thought there were a lot of Sailor Moon cosplayers on Friday, there were so many more on Saturday! (Which just makes sense, of course.) Sailor Moon Crystal was now in full gear--at AnimeNEXT 2014, we were still awaiting the first episode. I'm not insane enough to do an actual count, but I'd say there were way more than double the amount of Sailor Moon cosplayers this year...maybe even triple. Happy, happy Crissy. And sure, I *maybe* only hear from 1% of the cosplayers I hand out my cards to...but those cosplayers usually have friends, and so Sailor Moon Avatars grows bit by bit. I can't complain--I can barely keep up as it is.
Ranma and me! |
I made one complete circuit of my usual route, and then headed back to the Dealer's Room. Despite what I said above about Sailor Moon Crystal--which has spawned a HUGE merchandising line, with new stuff continuing to come out even though the last episode aired in July and no new episodes have been announced yet--there was a surprising dearth of Sailor Moon stuff for sale--believe me, I looked. I also looked for the Utena statue I had waffled on buying the year before--I *still* can't *really* afford it, but the dealer's room affects you in strange ways, dear friends and neighbors. Fortunately for my wallet I didn't really find anything that struck my fancy that day. |
Sakura from Card Captor Sakura |
I did, however, think it was wise to get something in my stomach around midday, so I headed to the little food court again to see what there was to be found. And once again, the place was *insanely* packed. I thought about camping out on the floor as I had done with Pete the day before, but that was a lot easier to do in a black skater dress...not so much in a pale pink cupcake of doom. I circled the tables with my food, trying not to look desperate (or creepy) until I found an empty chair. A few girls ended up at the table with me, but we were all pretty intent on our 3DSes (in case you didn't know, conventions are worth going to for the Street Passes alone, if you're into that sort of thing) and it really wasn't too weird. A little tricky, balancing all that in one chair, but I managed not to get any food on my dress, or drop anything. Yay for Crissy.
Another Sakura from Card Captor Sakura |
As I was leaving the dealer's room, who should I see but Andrea and Linwood! I hadn't seen Andrea, since...gosh, since I got married in 2009, I think. And now she's engaged! Linwood and I had hung out at Special Edition the weekend before, so he and I were all caught up, which was probably good as Andrea and I immediately descended into girl talk and didn't come up for air for a while. We didn't mean to be exclusionary, really we didn't, but there's just something about discussing bouquets and crinoline that doesn't seem to interest most Y chromosomes. All kidding aside, Linwood was pretty good about it, really, and honestly pretty excited about Andrea's upcoming wedding. I may even be his plus one! |
Go Speed Racer! |
As we were talking, our friend Victor and *his* fiancée Cathy joined us. I've known Victor for years--as long as I've known Andrea--but I believe this was my first time seeing him in cosplay! Cathy made him a Sub-Zero costume and it looked excellent on him. She was dressed as Orihime from Bleach, and even though I've still never seen any more Bleach than the first four episodes Louis and I watched with Ender back at Otakon 2005, I still recognized the character from the days when Bleach was the "It" cosplay of the convention scene. It was great to get to meet her, and it was nice seeing Victor again--circumstances may change, but ultimately, friendly and genuine people pretty much stay the same.
Kagome and Koga from Inu Yasha |
Greg happened to pass by at this point, and we decided there was no real reason to wait until just before dinner to have our drinks, especially as I was going to be driving to dinner and wanted to leave as much time to metabolize the ethanol as possible (not that I was planning on drinking much: I may be a lush but I have a true horror of drunk drivers.) We said goodbye to Andrea, Linwood, Vic, and Cathy and started walking back to the DoubleTree. On our way, we saw Carrie! I truly don't feel complete at a con until I run into her, she's so tiny and sweet and adorable that I just want to put her in my pocket and keep her always. Sadly we don't get as much hangout time as we used to because she's so crazy busy with her enormously successful business (and I am SO proud of her), but even just getting to see her for a moment puts a smile on my face. |
Aerith the Flower Boy! He gave me one of his flowers and was just so super sweet. |
Drinks at the bar were a laugh riot. There seemed to be quite a few non-anime fans there, although I can't imagine what they were doing in this completely out of the way hotel if they weren't--possibly family members of some of the younger crowd? Who knows. But the anime fans completely took over, including breaking out into song at random times. Greg and I had nerd-themed alcoholic drinks, argued about whether or not I had a picture of him being violated as Pyramid Head (answer: I do), and got into a heated debate over the age old question: Cloud/Tifa, or Cloud/Aeris? He also introduced me to some of his friends, and we really had a great time just hanging out and being silly. I limited myself to one drink, however, due to my aforementioned determination to stay sober, so in order to avoid temptation after a little while I said goodbye to Greg and left the hotel bar.
Kotoko and Sumomo from Chobits (the names of my iPod and laptop, respectively!) |
There was a good possibility I wouldn't be coming back to the hotel after dinner--I hadn't the year before--so I decided to take one last quick loop around the con before heading back to my room to change. It was a good thing I did, too, because otherwise I would've missed Caitlin, the super pretty Sailor Mars I had met while dressed as Rei the year before. It's a good thing she was dressed as Sailor Mars again this year, because you know how horrible I am at recognizing people in general and cosplayers especially. She's such a pretty Mars, and so friendly, too! I didn't want to hold her up too long but I made sure I got at least one picture with her before we both went on our way. |
A really cool Zelda and Link from Legend of Zelda |
I also bumped into Linwood again while I was walking, and since he had gotten a little sidelined during all of the girl talk, he decided to come with me before I had to head back to my hotel room. Having Linwood along on a photohunt is a true joy; he always makes it a point to say something complimentary and supportive to every single cosplayer we talk to. You'd think that cosplayers would take it for granted because they hear things like that "all the time", but the truth is, they don't: some, because they're "so good" that people are afraid to approach them; some, because their costume is more obscure and people don't really recognize them; and some because, let's face it, a fair percentage attendees are shy or socially awkward, and just take their pictures without actually saying anything. The fact that Linwood has something positive to say to everyone he comes into contact to really makes taking photos even more enjoyable.
Cathy and Victor as Orihime from Bleach and Sub-Zero from Mortal Kombat |
It was while we were leaving the DoubleTree that from across the hall I saw two breathtakingly gorgeous cosplayers dressed as Utena and Anthy! I tried not to be a quivering fangirl when I introduced myself to them--but they were as excited to see me in my Rosebride costume as I was to see them! The Utena even asked if we could recreate the "drawing of the sword" scene--with me! I almost NEVER meet cosplayers who want to "recreate scenes" with me, I was overjoyed. Despite the fact that we were in a crowded hallway, we got some really cool pictures together. As we were talking, I was struck by the level of detail in their costume--they had actually embellished their costumes with metallic braid and tiny rhinestones. I asked them if they were entering the cosplay competition, and they said they were competing that night. Foolish me, I starting wiggling my fingers over their costumes and chanting, "Old school anime magic! Old school anime magic!" at them, and then told them that they just had to win that night. I didn't get to watch the masquerade, but I've been in contact with them since, and I'm happy to report that they won Best in Show! (Which is entirely due to how awesome their costumes are; I cannot in fact perform magic.) |
Andrea and Linwood |
It was getting close to dinner time, so I said goodbye to Linwood and headed back to my hotel room to change: Tony and Gigi are seasoned convention goers, so I had no worries about looking out of place, but there was *no way* I was attempting to drive enveloped in satin and tulle. I didn't want to go through the bother of taking off my wig and makeup, however, so I had deliberately packed a pink sundress that feels like something Utena might wear as my evening outfit for Saturday. So it was really just a matter of struggling out of my poofy cupcake, slipping on a wonderfully light and comfortable dress, and then it was into the car and onto the road!
Carrie and me! |
I mentioned this in my 2014 report, but one of the reasons I do everything short of invite myself over to Tony's during AnimeNEXT is because they live literally only minutes away from the convention center--I mean, not short enough to walk over or anything (well, maybe if I weren't wearing heels), but definitely a hop, skip, and a jump. In no time at all I was parking in front of their house--I'd only been there once before, and I'm not known for my fantastic sense of direction, but it's just such a welcoming, cozy house that I recognized it and felt right at home right away. |
AnimeNEXT drink specials! |
Dinner was once again a blast. I have a great time catching up with Gigi and Tony, I really do--they're the role models of what functioning, responsible adult fans should be--but I have to admit a great deal of the draw for me is playing with the kids. Maybe this is a mark of my own immaturity but we. Had. A BALL. We ended up playing this complicated three way game with miniature plushies of Batman, Cinderella, and Elsa, where their oldest son would use Elsa to freeze me solid (at which point I'd make my whole body go rigid, and collapse onto the couch), and then the twins would make Batman and Cinderella rush in to rescue and unfreeze me (at which point I would get up again with an exaggerated sigh of relief and begin to thank them), only to have Elsa interrupt and freeze me solid again--faster and faster and faster, until I was pretty much bouncing up and down from the couch non-stop. Adults just don't know how to play, you know? Kids don't just play games, they invent them.
Bombshell Zatanna |
After I had gotten the kids so riled up that getting them to bed would be nigh impossible (sorry, Geeg), Tony figured we'd have better luck quieting them down if we removed the fabulous Miss Crissy from the vicinity...and the cosplay "decadebook" I had brought with me to ask him to sign kind of put the bug in his ear to do photography again, so we figured we'd escape to the backyard and do a little impromptu photoshoot. |
Me and Caitlin! |
We lucked out: the sun was just starting to enter the golden hour, and the lighting was indescribably beautiful, making me look much better than I really do--although Tony had a pretty big hand in that, too. I've said before Tony brings out my inner glamour girl. We didn't go crazy, but we ended up with some really pretty pictures with what we had to work with.
Ulala from Space Channel 5 |
It was still pretty light out, thanks to the magic of the lengthening days of the approaching summer, and Gigi had managed to get all three kids quieted down fairly early. Tony and I were musing over it being the last year of the con being in his backyard, so to speak, and it led to us making a totally spontaneous decision: let's head back to the con together! What the heck, it's Saturday night, and we're not senior citizens yet! Gigi was okay with staying home with the kids, so Tony and I piled into our respective cars, and raced back to the Comfort Inn Suites. |
Miss Martian, Superboy, Robin, Raven, and Red X from Teen Titans |
By this point, Tony was the third male anyone watching would have seen me bringing up to my hotel room, which was starting to give me a little bit of a complex. Really, though, all we did was yammer a bit while I changed back into my Rosebride dress in the bathroom (in retrospect, it would have made more sense for me to put him in the bathroom, and get changed in the rest of the suite, as there was way more room out there) and share one shot of Jameson apiece as a toast to sailing beyond the sunset before we died. We were going to run around the convention center, at NIGHT, like college kids! Man the torpedoes and full speed ahead!
Sakura from Card Captor Sakura |
Honestly, we really did only have one drink apiece, but the hilarity of being just a little bit wild and crazy went right to my head. Since Tony had to drive back home (and I had deliberately left my flask at home in an attempt to be good), we couldn't drink at the con, but we decided to play a pretend anti-drinking game, one with rules that would keep us sober even if we had been drinking. To that end, I suggested that we would equal taking a shot to each time we saw a costume we actually recognized--surely that would leave us sober as a judge, when kids these days are all cosplaying from shows we've never even heard of? |
Lakitu from Mario Kart!
Well, it's a good thing we weren't playing for real, because we would've wound up in the emergency room getting our stomachs pumped within an hour. Apparently I hadn't paid attention to how many photos I had taken that day alone--and as I've mentioned before, I tend to only take pictures of costumes I recognize. Because, after all, for one thing, people don't just cosplay from anime and manga, they cosplay from pop culture, and a broader database means more chances for us to recognize something. For another, just because I haven't watched an anime or read a manga doesn't mean I don't recognize the character; being in the convention scene alone exposes you to the real biggies. Pretty soon I was adding rules in a desperate attempt to limit the game, such as it has to have originated from Japan rather than the United States, and we had to have actually watched, read, or played the original source, not just heard of it, which led to Tony instituting a rule saying that you can't change the rules of a drinking game after you've started playing. Touché.
Tony couldn't stay out too late (see above re: responsible adults), so after about an hour we said good night, and he headed back home and I headed back to my hotel room. I got back out of my Rosebride gown, actually took off my wig and makeup this time (felt sooo good, I'm never going to *like* wearing wigs), and tried to play a little 3DS before realizing I was absolutely wiped and going right to bed. |
And for no reason at all, Macho Man Randy Savage |
Sailor Moon and Utena Photos
Sailor Venus |
Sailor Mars and Sailor Pluto |
Sailor Pluto |
Sailor Neptune |
A trio of Sailor Moons! |
A quartet of Sailor Moons! |
Sailor Saturn |
Sailor Mars |
Sailor Jupiter, Tuxedo Kamen, and Sailor Mars |
Sailor Jupiter, Tuxedo Kamen, Sailor Mars, and Sailor Venus |
Mamoru and Usagi |
Michiru |
Sailor Mars, Sailor Moon, Sailor Venus, and Sailor Jupiter |
Utena |
Sailor Mercury |
Sailor Uranus |
Sailro Venus |
Sailor Venus and Princess Serenity |
Black Lady |
Sera Myu Super Sailor Mercury |
Petz, Saphir, Prince Demand, Esmeraude, and Rubeus |
Petz, Saphir, Prince Demand, Esmeraude, and Rubeus |
Tuxedo Kamen |
Sailro Mars and Princess Serenity |
Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus |
Biker Sailor Pluto, Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury, and Sailor Neptune |
Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury, and Sailor Mars |
Princess Serenity |
Rei |
Queen Beryl and Queen Nehelenia |
More Photos
The Ouran Host Club |
Another one of me and Greg |
Carrie *always* brightens my day. |