AnimeNEXT 2015
June 12 - 14
Day Three
Umi Ryuuzaki - Goddess Robes
Sunday! The lazy day of the con! Except that I had noticed that the free breakfast had gotten a little crowded the day before, so I was kinda sorta hoping I could get down there a little earlier, and beat the rush...no real reason, other than my own introvertedness, such as it is. I can face the world a lot better after I've had some carbs and some reading time. So I didn't sleep in, as much as I would have liked to, but rather went down to breakfast as soon as I woke up, and then went back up to my room to start getting ready. Much like the day before, I was a little worried about getting into Umi's goddess robes on my own; I had learned at Special Edition the week before that doing up your own laces in the back is *not* a good idea. I was less likely to have a wardrobe malfunction with this costume, but it was still going to be a pain in the neck.
Someone forgot to unpack their Dokudel! |
Luckily, as I was struggling, I got a text from Avian Firefly that she and Dokudel were just about the con now, and wanted to know where I was. I told them I was still in my room, and they offered to come up and help me get ready! Total Crissy Hotel Room Count: three guys, two girls. I must've looked like some party girl. =D Once I was dressed, we ran into one more problem: I hadn't actually tried *on* the wig (I had bought yet another new wig for my Umi costume; long wigs are *impossible* for me to keep nice!), and while the wig had bangs of a sort, they were super long...and I hadn't brought scissors. Well, I had to check out anyway, so we went down to the front desk, and after I had returned my hotel room keycard, I asked if they had a pair we could borrow. The clerk's face was a study as he watched Avi trim my bangs while my wig was on my head, but he was a really good sport about it. Bonus points to the Comfort Inn. |
Guys - not cool. Not cool at all. |
The girls helped me down with my luggage (which was SUPER nice of them, I really do have some awesome friends), and once everything was stowed safely in my car we headed over to the Double Tree and the convention center proper. And we. Were. Horrified. I had neglected to mention on the previous two days, but while people were waiting on the registration line in that godawful heat, staffers had been passing out free bottles of water, which I thought was pretty decent of them. But this is why we can't have nice things--what did congoers do with those bottles when they were done with them? Just drop them wherever the hell they felt like it. There was trash everywhere. I get that we're not coming back to this location, you guys, but it's behavior like that, that makes us look bad. There's a saying, if you'll pardon the crudity, "Don't sh^t where you eat." But it's even more than that--how about, "Don't sh^t anywhere you aren't supposed to--like anywhere that isn't a toilet." It's about not being jerks, ladies and gentlemen. It's about not being disgusting. Don't do it. If you see someone else do it, call them on it. And if you don't see it being done, but you see the trash, pick it up. You're not going to get cooties from an empty bottle.
Avi teaches me how to suck honeysuckle |
Okay, Mama Crissy's rant is over--but I do feel like it's the older generation's duty to show the newer generation the way to behave. We headed into the convention center and started our trip through the Artist's Alley and Dealer's Room. I had already made my big purchase for the weekend, but I wanted to get a little something for my girlies--so I got Dokudel a super cute pair of tights and Avi a Totoro hair bow in the Artist's Alley. We tried to find gifties for our other girls in OPIB, but the Sailor Moon pickings that year were actually a little slim. Over in the Dealer's Room, I tried my best to keep Avi from adopting more plushies, upon pain of punishment from her long-suffering husband. It's not that I don't see her side of it, it's just that after a while there's not enough room for the humans on the bed! |
Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII |
It was getting on to about noon, so we decided we should leave the convention center (Avi had found a parking spot right on the grounds) and go seek out some lunch. Dokudel knew the area well, living not too far from there, so she suggested we head on over to a neat little sushi place. I'm pretty much always in the mood for Japanese food and I don't get to indulge it much, so we drove over--only to find out that the restaurant didn't open for over another hour! That was a little bit longer than we wanted to wait, so Avi used her GPS and found us a Subway nearby. The workers looked a *little* startled when the three of us walked in in full costume, but they were really very nice, and we had a really good time.
Genderbent!Captain America |
Avi's and my feet were beginning to hurt (Dokudel, dressed as Kisara Nanjo, had way more sensible boots on), so after wandering back to the lawns in front of the Double Tree, we decided to camp out for a while and just visit. Avi joked that we were the old ladies of cosplay (even though they're both way, WAY younger than I am), but I pointed out there were benefits to being the older generation: in addition to being able to scold the young'uns on attending do's and don'ts (see above re: litter), it's actually kind of *nice* to just relax and hang out with your friends--and happen to be in costume at the time. Don't get me wrong, I love doing photoshoots. I love running around conventions. I've even been to a few room parties that have been a lot of fun. But given my druthers, for a guaranteed good time, give me a small group of friends and a place to just plop down for a while and talk. |
Trucy Wright and Apollo Justice from Ace Attorney |
The con was pretty much petering out at this point, so when Ranma found us on the front lawn (and after he had taken a few pictures), we decided it was time to go--I had promised him a ride home back on Friday. I headed into the bathroom to change out of my cumbersome costume, but left on the wig (as I've said, walking around with normal hair but colored eyebrows somehow looks *weirder* to me than wearing a wig that your colored eyebrows match), and then got in my car and circled around to the entrance so he could load up his bags. The drive home wasn't too bad, and we stopped at a Planet Wings for dinner--my first time! And the lady taking our order asked me if my wig was my real hair, which I *always* take as a compliment. It wasn't long before I dropped Ranma off at his house, and then made my way home.
Samus from Metroid |
Final Thoughts: As with last year, I'm glad I went. It's good for me to get out for a "mini vacation", even if it isn't all that far away. I had a good time with my friends--Doc and I have said many times before that at least 50% of a con experience is due to who you're with, not just where you are. That being said, am I going to follow it to Atlantic City? It's doubtful; and almost certainly not next year. AC is definitely going to be more expensive than Somerset, not only for the hotel room (which I could theoretically split with someone or even someones else), but for the gas (it's further south) and the incidentals, like food. And next year is an even-numbered year, which means I'll be adding in another travel con so I can see Patti and Steph. So it's not out of the question for good...but almost certainly, not next year. |
Three "mature" cosplayers |
More Photos
Avian Firefly as Primera from Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle |